Slow fit solar


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Well I’ve had my van nearly two years now bought a couple of stick down 100w solar panels and a Victron controller 100/30 with Bluetooth about the same time that I bought the van fitted the panels about a year ago and just got round to fitting the controller and wired them up today. Seems to be working fine it’s a realy dull overcast day and the vans facing west away from direct sun it’s giving a reading but I don’t know what’s good or bad it was on float mode the counter was reading 14w is this good bad or what should you expect to get I know a lot will depend on the panels and the stick on ones aren’t as good as the new solid panels. After fitting this stuff dose anybody do what I’ve been doing by checking phone often too see what it’s doing watts and amps do my head in .
Well I’ve had my van nearly two years now bought a couple of stick down 100w solar panels and a Victron controller 100/30 with Bluetooth about the same time that I bought the van fitted the panels about a year ago and just got round to fitting the controller and wired them up today. Seems to be working fine it’s a realy dull overcast day and the vans facing west away from direct sun it’s giving a reading but I don’t know what’s good or bad it was on float mode the counter was reading 14w is this good bad or what should you expect to get I know a lot will depend on the panels and the stick on ones aren’t as good as the new solid panels. After fitting this stuff dose anybody do what I’ve been doing by checking phone often too see what it’s doing watts and amps do my head in .

I have a dongle thingy in my Victron controller and check it on my iPad / iphone all the time even when it’s parked up at home so you are not alone lol.
Well I’ve had my van nearly two years now bought a couple of stick down 100w solar panels and a Victron controller 100/30 with Bluetooth about the same time that I bought the van fitted the panels about a year ago and just got round to fitting the controller and wired them up today. Seems to be working fine it’s a realy dull overcast day and the vans facing west away from direct sun it’s giving a reading but I don’t know what’s good or bad it was on float mode the counter was reading 14w is this good bad or what should you expect to get I know a lot will depend on the panels and the stick on ones aren’t as good as the new solid panels. After fitting this stuff dose anybody do what I’ve been doing by checking phone often too see what it’s doing watts and amps do my head in .
14W from a pair of 100W in overcast conditions at this time of year in Southern Scotland seems pretty ok. I peaked at 40W today for a very short time but was around 34W for the main lunch hour and am around 40-50 miles south of you I believe? This was with 400W of panels.
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in Winter solar panels give very little 14 Watts means about 1 amp and many leisure batteries are at least 85amp-hrs
Peaking at 40 watts gives maybe 3.5 amps say for 2 hours.
So You need something else
1 Drive late afternoon for 1 hour
2 Genny
3 Fuel Cell
4 EHU again every 2 nights
Of course it depends on usage but you probably need heat as well !
Maybe travelling every 2nd day would do..depends on how many batteries etc
Better still in Scotland a wind generator !
Well done Wully, you found someone to get onto the roof ?
Ha ha Wully, wait till later in the year matey and see then but as Jagman said that’s 1amp. You rarely get much this time of year and you can really compare unless similar power ratings at same location
It will be interesting to see what I get up at the Frog with being able to tilt them Neil.
You mean to compare between you and Rae Jeff? You have a lot more than Wully’s 200w so cant compare to him, I suppose we could work on 2/3rds of mine as I have 309w or doesn’t it work like that?

Well, that’s saying we get sun lol lot of roads round here been closed with snow again today but think they have opened now, real wet slushy stuff it was
You mean to compare between you and Rae Jeff? You have a lot more than Wully’s 200w so cant compare to him, I suppose we could work on 2/3rds of mine as I have 309w or doesn’t it work like that?

Well, that’s saying we get sun lol lot of roads round here been closed with snow again today but think they have opened now, real wet slushy stuff it was
yes your right IF we get any sun.Its cold up here but it sunny all our snow has gone thank god lol.Have to say RAe has got more watts than me and his are newer panels than mine.
I’ve just checked back on my invoice from midsummer and the panels I have are 140w each it’s been that long since I bought them I couldn’t rember what size they were 80w more than I thought might make a wee bit of difference roughly about 30% more. I’m gonna park in between Rae and Jeff and sap all the sun might even park in front of them block the sun out altogether even ask Andy and Janet to park the other side.
I’ve just checked back on my invoice from midsummer and the panels I have are 140w each it’s been that long since I bought them I couldn’t rember what size they were 80w more than I thought might make a wee bit of difference roughly about 30% more. I’m gonna park in between Rae and Jeff and sap all the sun might even park in front of them block the sun out altogether even ask Andy and Janet to park the other side.
Ha ha Wully that’s evil lol
FE92A75A-8979-4858-892F-A097AB3AADF5.pngECA08268-3A0E-4FE0-9709-10E1C73F3531.pngRight I’ve been looking at the screen from the app connected to my controller I’ve took a screen shot but don’t understand the numbers and how this converts it all seems to be working fine but the read out in watts then the battery is volts then the read out in amps don’t know how to put this all together.
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View attachment 42475View attachment 42473Right I’ve been looking at the screen from the app connected to my controller I’ve took a screen shot but don’t understand the numbers and how this converts it all seems to be working fine but the read out in watts then the battery is volts then the read out in amps don’t know how to put this all together.
Ok, basic rule is Watts = Volts x Amps.

So the Solar panel is putting INTO the Controller 2.2A at 24.25V. That is 53.35 Watts. This is the number that is showing in the circle above the bar graph.
The Controller is then putting 3.5A at 14.26V INTO the battery. That is 49.91 Watts.
The difference between the two are the losses in the Controller. This numbers above make the contoller around 93% efficient - so in other words for every 100 Watts the solar panel brings in, only 93 Watts make it into the Battery - that is pretty respectable.

You are also seeing the benefit of an MPPT controller over a basic PWM controller. An MPPT controller will convert excess voltage (anything above the 14.26V) into current - hence why the Current out of the controller is so much greater than the Current into it. With a PWM Controller, that excess would just get ignored.

On the bar graph, the different shades show how much of the harvested power goes into the battery at the different charge states.
the Solid White Bar is when the battery is in Bulk mode (typically under 85% charged); the Lighter Grey is when the battery is in Absorption mode (between 85% and 100% charged); and the darker grey is when the Battery is in Float Mode (fully charged).

So you are seeing on the 6th Feb the Solar input is very low, but this looks like becuase the batteries started the day nearly full. from the 7th, the solar was much more active as the batteries could take more charge. on the 7th, you had enough power to fully recharge, but on the 8th you never got past the bulk stage so your batteries were not more than 85% charged at best.
On the 9th, you got to the absorption stage around 1PM as the bar changed colour. You can tell your solar is actually putting in more power than you are using as the mode changed from Bulk to Absorption at that time and your batteries at 1PM hit around 85% charge.

The Totals in kWh won't show a number until you get more of a charge history total.

This is my info, with the same Victron Controller type as you have and showing the same type of info, just in a different system
MPPT-Instant by David, on Flickr
You see the total power in Watts (197W) - this is the same as multiplying the Voltage x the Current
It also show the Total Yield in kWh (169.37kW) - this is what the Controller has put into the Battery over time; And the System Yield (183.49kW) - this is what the Panels have harvested over the same time. If you divide Total Yield by System Yield here, you get 92.3% Efficiency in the conversion process over the overall installation time (the efficiency varies on size of harvest - my 'instant' efficiency in the screen shot above is actually over 97%)

Hopefully all the above makes sense?!
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Had to read it a couple of times as electrics isn’t my strong point but very well explained even I managed to get a handle on that thanks you’re a star?

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