Solar repair in Cornwall


Full Member

Hi all,
I’m currently near Polperro in Cornwall. After various upgrades to my van conversion electrical system, my solar is still not working properly. I’m looking for somewhere down here that has cable and can help me run a new cable from the PV to the MPPT. If that’s not the issue then I know my panels need replacing 🙄 Anyone know of anywhere in the area?
Thank you!
Hi, I've got no transport but I'm available Tuesday if you want to come to Plymouth. are just down the road for parts
Hi, I've got no transport but I'm available Tuesday if you want to come to Plymouth. are just down the road for parts
Very kind of you, thanks. I have a prior engagement so I’m heading to the Lizard tomorrow but if I haven’t found anywhere before then, when I’m heading back, I’ll drop you a line. 😊