
Pudsey Bear

Full Member

We're struggling to get on top of the gardening after being away for so long or at least Liz is, I help when I can but about 5 minutes is enough for me.

So I'm looking for a CHEAP cordless strimmer type thing that will take the wire brush head rather than just string.

Any ideas I have no clue about which might be best.
We're struggling to get on top of the gardening after being away for so long or at least Liz is, I help when I can but about 5 minutes is enough for me.

So I'm looking for a CHEAP cordless strimmer type thing that will take the wire brush head rather than just string.

Any ideas I have no clue about which might be best.
I have a Ryobi One+ Strimmer (or "trimmer" as they like to call it). Something that is handy about it is it can use plastic blades as well as the string reels. I mix and max the two ways depending on what is being cut.

"Cheap" depends to a degree on if you need to buy batteries and charger for it or if you already have batteries you can use (I have other Ryobi One+ tools so I can use the same batteries).
Got mine a couple of years ago and when I went to use it this springtime the head was jammed. Spoke to Amazon and they sent me a replacement Strimmer (y)
We don't have any grass fortunately but do have two huge patios with a lot of stuff growing between the slabs and the flags so need one with the wire brush attachement.
Liz won't have it here.
I can't remember what it was called, but I saw an ad for something that is just what you need (useful bit of info there, huh!).

but do a search fro something like "patio weeds" for example and you might find it. From what I recall, it looked really good and not that expensive. I was tempted myself at the time even though I have a strimmer.
I'm looking for something about 50-60 quid with battery/s plenty on Amazon at that but not with a wire brush and although I can buy it separately I don't know if they will fit or not so a bit shy of buying, I can send it back of course but I've sent loads of stuff back lately.
If this had the wire brush I'd have ordered it by now.

In the pictures, what looks like a circular saw blade frightens me! I am just picturing that hitting a rock or brick and blade edges flying off all over the place! scary!
Not half, it's for lopping branches apparently, not near me thanks.
Seen a lot of people using a burner and getting good results on block paving or slabs
We have one but and for a few little weeds fine but it like a forest so not going to work.
Seen a lot of people using a burner and getting good results on block paving or slabs
I bought a Weed Burner from LIDL.
LIDL tools are generally pretty good and would recommend them, but this burner would be hard pushed to light a cigarette! :)
We got one from Been & Queued, it sort of worked if you took your time but it was when the electricity went through the roof so it got put away, I might even have ebayed it.

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