The cost of Xmas!


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The cost of Xmas!

Here's a link from the Martin Lewis Money Saving Expert email.

Pop in the year of your choice from 1968 onwards, and it will tell you how much Xmas cost that year compared to now. It's a shame it doesn't do years before 1968 as I suspect that cuts out most of our actual birth dates.

Sorry but what a load of balcony 2016 he had Xmas dinner at £37/£38 my turkey cost nearly that much. :Tears_of_Joy_Emoji:
I guess it's all averaged out...

Mine was nearly 40 quid too from Waitrose. They wanted to charge me 80 odd quid for a bronze feathered one...I said I don't care what colour the bastard feathers are I'm not eating those!

Third Christmas away and missing the big traditional family event at my sister's ... Oh for a turkey ... bronze or not ... with family. Our choice, but can't face the grey skies.
Menu may change ... heading for an international tasting menu this year:
Foie gras with pomegranate onion marmelade. Pomegranate a gift from a Bosinia / Herzegovena restaurant and onions from a a BiH market. Foie Gras from France
Scallops: gifted from a fellow traveller who we met twice ... his summer job is hand diving them on Jersey!
Duck kidneys: in a tin ... two French supermarkets were out of confit duck, so bought a tin of this instead.
... will no doubt pick up some more courses as we travel.
Collecting wines for each course ... naturally!!!

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