Truma Boiler


Full Member

I have noticed a burning smell from the Boiler when on Boost (Elec water Heater) only does it on Elec Water heating read a few Forum Posts on Google people say nothing to worry about as Fan doesn't work on water heater to dispurse the heat like it does on Room Heating. Just wondering if anyone on here had the same, thanks Chris. PS sorry it's a little early but I am in a Hospital Bed (bored).
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Yes Full with water doesn't do it on Room Heating just water heating on 'Boost' it's OK on Eco & High settings 👌
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Not sure as it just drifted through the living area , it's down in the paperwork that previous owner returned the Van with same thing & report says not Fault found as Truma new there was an issue but nothing to worry about.
On my previous motorhome I sometimes noticed the hot smell when on water heating but it never worried me. Occassionally it got too hot and showed an error code, it then blew air through heating system to cool itself down and reset automatically when it was back to the temperature it wanted to be at. I just left it to look after itself.
In my experience, a burning smell, from a Truma boiler, is quite normal. The build up of dust doesn't help, but it's nothing to worry about.
On my previous motorhome I sometimes noticed the hot smell when on water heating but it never worried me. Occassionally it got too hot and showed an error code, it then blew air through heating system to cool itself down and reset automatically when it was back to the temperature it wanted to be at. I just left it to look after itself.
Was that on 'Boost' setting ,it does state not to leave it on that too long ?
Have you spoken to Truma themselves? One of your posts says Truma star known issue, they should be able to tell you what that is to put your mind at rest

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