Were off to the nether regions at some point today.

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

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Norfolkish, no plans at all so we could pop up anywhere, even nip oer to the land of the sheeps.

I'll post if we come across anything remotely interesting.
If you're looking for 'remotely interesting' and totally different then you could do worse than look at a few Ice Age pingos. There's even a 'Pingo Trail'. My mother's ancestors lie in the Breckland, and its a fascinating area.

If you fancy something much more modern, then the 4000 year old Neolithic flint mines called Grimes Graves are worth a look. The miners used antlers to carve the chamber's.

I'm not really helping, am I? 🤣
If you're looking for 'remotely interesting' and totally different then you could do worse than look at a few Ice Age pingos. There's even a 'Pingo Trail'. My mother's ancestors lie in the Breckland, and its a fascinating area.

If you fancy something much more modern, then the 4000 year old Neolithic flint mines called Grimes Graves are worth a look. The miners used antlers to carve the chamber's.

I'm not really helping, am I? 🤣
Grimes Graves were only 3960 years old when I visited them ... :) There was a lot less history n those days!

Short walks suit me best even with the walker, and we forgot our national Trust cards too.
Spent last night at RAF Coningsby, 3 until 6pm typhoons flying almost none stop, same this morning, we've just come into the BBMF museum which is free but the tour is payable.
You'll enjoy the tour
Attached ourselves to a group of veterans from BAe Brough.
" I put those rivets in ". "That's my welding.!"
Bit sad to see those warbirds like stuffed exhibits .
You'll enjoy the tour
Attached ourselves to a group of veterans from BAe Brough.
" I put those rivets in ". "That's my welding.!"
Bit sad to see those warbirds like stuffed exhibits .
Not so they all fly from there, all are in the workshop, even the ONLY original actusl battle scarred spitfire that flies, there is another that claims to be ordinal but it's built around data plate the rest is either new or found parts, well worth a visit.
Just having coffee in Cromer, funny little town, not very driver friendly at all.
You'll enjoy the tour
Attached ourselves to a group of veterans from BAe Brough.
" I put those rivets in ". "That's my welding.!"
Bit sad to see those warbirds like stuffed exhibits .
I used to be in and put BAe quite often also ROLLS ROYCE engine plants quite often with turbo blades going from one process factory to another.
Found a forest for Friday night, lots of hooting and other noises, well pookey.

Tried to stay at Southwold in two places but lots of new signs with impending DOOM on them, so moved on, found another forest clearing, tonight it's Newmarket near the racecourse.
............ Tried to stay at Southwold in two places but lots of new signs with impending DOOM on them, so moved on, found another forest clearing, tonight it's Newmarket near the racecourse.
Pity you didn't mention that before you went. We regularly visit Southwold and always stay at a quiet little CL at Reydon. A simple walk into Southwold, or simply catch the bus. 👍

I never miss a pint or three of Broadside. Adams say they have been brewing on the same site in Southwold for at least 670 years - small wonder it's a cracking beer. 🍺 🍺 🍺
Pity you didn't mention that before you went. We regularly visit Southwold and always stay at a quiet little CL at Reydon. A simple walk into Southwold, or simply catch the bus. 👍

I never miss a pint or three of Broadside. Adams say they have been brewing on the same site in Southwold for at least 670 years - small wonder it's a cracking beer. 🍺 🍺 🍺
Apart from a couple of times in 2006 when we had a small tent and away in Scotland for two weeks we have never stayed on an open camp site, we did stay a weekend on the Sligachan one on Skye but it was winter and closed we got permish from the hotel, otherwise we 100% wildcamp.

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