What do you put on yours?



What do you put on yours?

What do you put on the top of your Christmas tree, and also how do you decorate yours?
2E7342B8-F270-4BA2-A4B6-9B4D923ED926.jpeg There she is a not very pretty ?‍♀️ fairy but my granddaughter picked out a vast choice of some stunning fairies and this was the one she wanted so it goes on most years but it is getting a bit tatty now.
Nothing anymore.

I used to have a fairy my daughter made at school, but it eventually disintegrated, toilet roll and red crepe paper.

The tree is small, green and covered with a sprinkling of fake snow. A string of warm white lights and red and gold baubles.
No expense spared..............two Christmas trees............... 20171209_174607.jpg
Not 'alf missus! Took ages-finding the batteries for one thing!
What Christmas tree? There's at least 3 somewhere in the house but I'm not bothering to find them. No point just for me and the dog. Going to daughter's for Christmas day so I'll just admire theirs instead.
If I want to look at one in the meantime, the house over the road has one in the garden.
An angel on top of ours, at least 20 years old.


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I’m sad

i usually have 5 Christmas trees
one large, three medium, one small

not counting the trees we light up outside

i love trees decorated

but this year for some reason I’m not sure I can be bothered, 53 years of trees
maybe this will be a treeless year

the family are growing up, and the grandkids can see trees in their own homes

we no longer need a tree

but who knows , it’s snowing so maybe it’s Christmas

We've only had this one for a few years as sadly our other one is no more as we had her a lot of years!! ? IMG_1934.JPG
Aldra;n11362 said:
I’m sad

i usually have 5 Christmas trees
one large, three medium, one small

not counting the trees we light up outside

i love trees decorated

but this year for some reason I’m not sure I can be bothered, 53 years of trees
maybe this will be a treeless year

the family are growing up, and the grandkids can see trees in their own homes

we no longer need a tree

but who knows , it’s snowing so maybe it’s Christmas


Aw I'm sad for you here's a nice tree for you.

Naw, don’t be sad

basically I’m just feeling lazy this year

I’ll put up one tree, and I still have fourteen for Christmas dinner to cook for, so can’t be too lazy

it will hopefully be beginning to feel a lot like Christmas soon

I’ll take a trip to our garden centre I love their Christmas trees , would love a real tree, my one and only forage into real trees was years ago

up and decorated, a couple of days before Christmas the cat ran up it and I kid you not , it dropped the whole of its needles

although they say they are sprayed now against foliage drop

does anyone have a real tree ?

artificial ones one are very realistic nowadays


It used to be tradition in our family, a few days before Christmas eve my brothers would FIND a tree in the woods, I think Father Christmas used to come early and drop it off for us.
My Mum and Dad used to blow eggs and decorate them with gold and silver glitter, Mum was clever at making decorations from crepe paper, Dad carved a few star shapes and painted them different colours. Our house always looked lovely (well I thought so as a child)
As there´s only the 2 of us I don´t know if we will even bother with our tree this year, its already decorated, in its plastic bag in the loft, only have to bring t down, hang it up, plug it in and there ya go.
Talking about it, I may have changed my mind.


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Aldra;n11509 said:
Naw, don’t be sad

basically I’m just feeling lazy this year

I’ll put up one tree, and I still have fourteen for Christmas dinner to cook for, so can’t be too lazy

it will hopefully be beginning to feel a lot like Christmas soon

I’ll take a trip to our garden centre I love their Christmas trees , would love a real tree, my one and only forage into real trees was years ago

up and decorated, a couple of days before Christmas the cat ran up it and I kid you not , it dropped the whole of its needles

although they say they are sprayed now against foliage drop

does anyone have a real tree ?

artificial ones one are very realistic nowadays


Get one up, it will get you in the Crimbo mood if nothing else. Its only the two of us but I still love putting the tree and decorations up, helps brighten the winter months. You had me in stitches hearing about the cat, :Loudly_Crying_Face_:Loudly_Crying_Face_we used to do real trees when the kids were little, but with kids, dogs and worse cats, we went the artificial route as the cats wouldn't leave it alone and I hate picking up needles. Don't believe them when they say they don't drop, daughter always has real trees, needles everywhere, though not as bad as they used to be.
Saw a good idea for garlands today, I've heard about them before but never done any, stringing popcorn on thread. Only problem is, if they were anywhere near the grandkids they would be eaten.

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