When to put up Christmas decorations?


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When to put up Christmas decorations?

I know the shops seem to have had the decorations up for weeks, but when do you put up yours?

Think ours in in the Motorhome will not go up till about 15th as I like to have them up for my birthday. But they come down on New Year’s Day or the 2nd.
If that's your thing then Christmas Eve and down 12 days later. 'cos if you're a Christian and put your decs up earlier or take them down later then Jesus won't love you anymore! ?
Never if I had my way. Bag Humbug!!! :mad: Actually I am quite looking forward to it this year as for once ive had to do a bit of work so Ill be glad when the phone stops ringing and the emails stop pinging.
All being well, and me getting my a$$ in gear, this coming weekend.
:White_Santa_Claus_E If I'm making the effort, I intend to enjoy them for a while.
Up 24th down 6th Jan.
Each year it´s becoming more difficult to be bothered to get the decorations down from the loft and put them up and we say we are not going to bother this year, only the artificial tree that already has it trimmings and lights on. Its only me and Hans so why bother with more. I hope we have nice weather because the plan is to take our lunch in the Navajo and go out for the day.

Here´s our tree, picci taken last year, off the ground away from waggy tails.



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oh dear, dear, no longer bother with a tree.......r decorations
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We only put up the Holly, Ivy and oak leaves on the 21st for the Solstice. But that's because we're not Christians
I am forced to put tree up,but compromise ,so one week before and down for new year hogmany,if i had my way i would not be ar-ed,big feed and time out is my thing.
I put tree # 1 up yesterday . We leave here tomorrow but will be back with all the family 26 th .

i did the tree and made himself clean the windows ?


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We (actually me) nail ours up about 2 weeks before Christmas and take then down before 12th night.

This year our Parish Council have excelled themselves and the town looks quite special. It feels a nice place to live.
Campervanannie;n9861 said:
Today lol

I have to say after my miserable comments earlier that does look lovely. Good job.

I feel guilty now as Mrs D would probably love a tree like that but even if I offer I bet she wont have one.

The biggest issue I have with Christmas is it actually just makes me sad. Most of the songs are depressing, you end up blubbering at "Love Actually" (Well not me of course as Im a rufty tufty bloke but you know what I mean :cool:) and then I start thinking about family and stuff thats no longer here. Even trudging round the shops in the dark with it all going on around you makes me feel depressed. I think its probably great if you have a big family and lots of kids and stuff but there are just the two of us and to be honest, sad as it is Im glad when its all over.
We usually start decorating around the house about now, but just bit by bit. We get Christmas cups and plates out 1st December though,
but, this year we are travelling to the UK and renting a house in Suffolk for a week and inviting part of the family up.
The rental is already fully decorated, so we don’t have to.
barryd;n9881 said:
I have to say after my miserable comments earlier that does look lovely. Good job.

I feel guilty now as Mrs D would probably love a tree like that but even if I offer I bet she wont have one.

The biggest issue I have with Christmas is it actually just makes me sad. Most of the songs are depressing, you end up blubbering at "Love Actually" (Well not me of course as Im a rufty tufty bloke but you know what I mean :cool:) and then I start thinking about family and stuff thats no longer here. Even trudging round the shops in the dark with it all going on around you makes me feel depressed. I think its probably great if you have a big family and lots of kids and stuff but there are just the two of us and to be honest, sad as it is Im glad when its all over.

Actually there is just Bill and me the two lads 37 and 42 come for Xmas day dinner with partners grand children 2 @ 21 and 12 yrs call for a couple of hours then that’s it I’ll be glad when they don’t want to come and we can jump in the van and go somewhere and not bother at all.
It’s started here too don’t know who the guy in the corner is he appeared last Christmas and never left :b0234:


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Hopefully it'll be this next week,We (me) I decorate the tree Malcolm puts light outside(not on the house)I might add! and I put a few little things around the house! I must admit we love Christmas and granddaughters love sitting with just the Christmas tree lights on and getting cosy! That's when I say it's time to go home!! Haha
We normally do it on the 1st, but Phil was away and I'm poorly. As soon as I have the energy to do the tree they will go up. Phil's not allowed to do the tree, I like to. He gets to do the ceiling things I can't reach....lol
Jeanette;n9909 said:
Hopefully it'll be this next week,We (me) I decorate the tree Malcolm puts light outside(not on the house)I might add! and I put a few little things around the house! I must admit we love Christmas and granddaughters love sitting with just the Christmas tree lights on and getting cosy! That's when I say it's time to go home!! Haha

I love sitting in the dark with only lights and candles lit. I love the new electric candles, safe but so realistic.
Got our tree this morning.

We're not allowed to trim it until the grandkids are here though.
Tes;n9984 said:
We normally do it on the 1st, but Phil was away and I'm poorly. As soon as I have the energy to do the tree they will go up. Phil's not allowed to do the tree, I like to. He gets to do the ceiling things I can't reach....lol

image.jpeg I can understand that I saw the tree he did last year a bit techy lol

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