Where will this crap end?

And it will not be just a small amount either.
Payed without doubt by the taxpayers.
The penultimate paragraph says "The court ruled that Awale would be entitled to non-pecuniary damages at an amount to be determined later".

That's contradictory reporting because "non-pecuniary" means that damages will not be paid in money. 😳
"non-pecuniary" means that damages will not be paid in money.
It actually means that the harm cannot be readily quantified in financial terms. As compensation is typically an amount of money, it seems reasonable for a court to take its time to determine that amount. Perhaps not so reasonable is that damages are to be awarded when the isolation was caused partly by the plaintiff's actions and partly for his own safety. (just sayin' ...)
These things are usually initiated by money grabbing ambulances chasing no blame no claim lawyers who find holes in everything to get compensation for scum at a percentage of the claim amount and a big pay day every now and then encourages this.