
It's sorted now mate. Lots of aggro and a 10p fuse. If it ever happens again, you'll know where to look. To be fair to the RAC guy, his normal work load is flat batteries and/or tyres. Not complex immobilisers
Think I might be being a bit harsh on him he did try but I think they are under so much pressure to get to the next job and if he can’t get it running in a certain time frame say 25 minutes they just have it uplifted. But worth the cost for the recovery to home can’t fault that side of it.
Sad the fault was not traced at source what a waste of time,money and folks leisure time
no wonder policies are so bloody expensive
write to rac and get your point in and comp imho
A fuse running at 3 volts but not blown would throw a curved ball .top marks to your man for sorting it in 30 minutes.
Glad your sorted and it turned out to be only a small thing 🙂

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