Motorhomes or camper vans your NOT welcome here


Full Member

Durham county council have now started charging for All coastal carparks £ 1 per hour or £ 3 per day
From 0800 to 1800

Camper vans or motorhomes. There is now No overnight parking . In any of Durham county council coastal car parks.
So to avoid disappointment best not to confirm before you enter the area if your able to park overnight.

However there are the side roads and already residents of the side roads in the area of the coastal car parks are already complaining .

But as a motorhome taxed and insured there is no stopping anyone from parking on any roads that do not have parking permits or restrictions.
From the horses mouth as they say
Orders were placed for the parking meters while the public consultation was still going on. So what was the point they said it was to raise monies to prop up other services.

A letter was sent to them to inform them they will be taken to the high court as it is against the law to prop up other services by using parking monies for other services

The website where it was written was taken down.
From the horses mouth as they say
Orders were placed for the parking meters while the public consultation was still going on. So what was the point they said it was to raise monies to prop up other services.

A letter was sent to them to inform them they will be taken to the high court as it is against the law to prop up other services by using parking monies for other services

The website where it was written was taken down.

I remember when we had a referendum asking if we wanted a unitary authority in County Durham. There was also a referendum held for the same thing in Northumberland.

The votes returned a resounding majority stating “no”.

But - lo and behold! - a couple of years later we got new unitary authorities in both counties anyway. So what was the point of the referendum?! 🤷‍♀️

Utter waste of time and money. So much for “democracy” 🙄 😜
I remember when we had a referendum asking if we wanted a unitary authority in County Durham. There was also a referendum held for the same thing in Northumberland.

The votes returned a resounding majority stating “no”.

But - lo and behold! - a couple of years later we got new unitary authorities in both counties anyway. So what was the point of the referendum?! 🤷‍♀️

Utter waste of time and money. So much for “democracy” 🙄 😜
It looks like your blinkers are starting to slip Marie. Time for a change maybe?
This is why so many Brits are heading to Europe with their campers and hard earned money, as they see the benefits of
People with campers spending locally
Such a shame that in the Uk we are discriminated against by so many councils.
We seem to be the only group where discrimination seems to be perfectly acceptable and even encouraged
I remember when we had a referendum asking if we wanted a unitary authority in County Durham. There was also a referendum held for the same thing in Northumberland.

The votes returned a resounding majority stating “no”.

But - lo and behold! - a couple of years later we got new unitary authorities in both counties anyway. So what was the point of the referendum?! 🤷‍♀️

Utter waste of time and money. So much for “democracy” 🙄 😜
Same happens in the durham county council.

In fact some of the areas are not well off financially but pay the highest amount of council tax More in fact than living in durham city .
Same happens in the durham county council.

In fact some of the areas are not well off financially but pay the highest amount of council tax More in fact than living in durham city .

? 🤔
Excuse me?! My critical eyesight has always been pretty clear. 🤷‍♀️ 😜😉

What about your blinkers? 🤔 🙃😉
Never wore them. It makes finding charlatans out a lot easier. Plenty of them in politics.

I have just been pondering something. Is there a level below Third World? If I am talking about the UK I want to get my facts right. :unsure:
The out skirts are more expensive than
in the city of Durham its self. Council tax is highest in Horden than anywhere else in County Durham.
And believe me its a bit of a deprived area.

Nothing hard that warrants a question mark.


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