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I applied for my over 70 driving licence renewal to the DVLA on Tuesday this week and it arrived today Thursday not due for renewal till October 23 but had a reminder through the post Tuesday so got straight on line to renew as we most probably will be on our travels then and might have forgotten it, I dropped the C1 bit on last renewal as no longer needed that but I have to say the service from DVLA this time was unbeatable.
I applied for my over 70 driving licence renewal to the DVLA on Tuesday this week and it arrived today Thursday not due for renewal till October 23 but had a reminder through the post Tuesday so got straight on line to renew as we most probably will be on our travels then and might have forgotten it, I dropped the C1 bit on last renewal as no longer needed that but I have to say the service from DVLA this time was unbeatable.
Me too! Applied online on Tuesday after Kelso Rally, new 'sans C1 Licence' arrived on the Saturday. The power oef the automated system! (y)

Still keeping my C1 licence, and after the reminder through the letter box to going to the medical exam, eye test,
and postage it was approx 3 weeks, so its a thumbs up from me for the DVLA.
Me an my wife both received our Licences after applying on line on the fourth day hers last week mine today
No C just new after 70 - 3 year licence
I had to renew my driving license and I was given a form and went to the post office paid my £24 got a receipt from them told it would take three weeks approximately and they will send it off.

Eight weeks later, I have still not received it and managed to find an online form for the DVLA. It turns out that between the post office and the DVLA my application had gone missing. They said they would send another form in the post and I would have to fill-in and send it direct to the DVLA.

I did that and was told I would get a £4 refund two weeks later received a £4 refund two weeks after that again so there’s a month after sending in the form. I actually received my license..

Sewing all it took three months just to renew the photograph on my license.
I had to renew my driving license and I was given a form and went to the post office paid my £24 got a receipt from them told it would take three weeks approximately and they will send it off.

Eight weeks later, I have still not received it and managed to find an online form for the DVLA. It turns out that between the post office and the DVLA my application had gone missing. They said they would send another form in the post and I would have to fill-in and send it direct to the DVLA.

I did that and was told I would get a £4 refund two weeks later received a £4 refund two weeks after that again so there’s a month after sending in the form. I actually received my license..

Sewing all it took three months just to renew the photograph on my license.
My late g dad used to call people in big jobs educated nitwits.
My wife applied to renew her license as her last 10 one runs out in September. The new licence arrived within a week. Excellent.
EXCEPT she is 70 in November and the licence is only valid until then!
Truly crazy.
Now we need to apply for another! ( No C licence ever held.)
My wife applied to renew her license as her last 10 one runs out in September. The new licence arrived within a week. Excellent.
EXCEPT she is 70 in November and the licence is only valid until then!
Truly crazy.
Now we need to apply for another! ( No C licence ever held.)
The DVLA just administer the crazy rules the law makers lay down, it is not their fault if the rules are crazy.

The first registration on my new Malibu Van came through in 2 weeks, one week earlier than the usual 3 weeks so a 👍 for the DVLA from me. My C1 came through in weeks, not months, despite health issues which meant I only got a 2 year licence. Get the application in as early as possible and send it by Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm. I also used my GP for the D4 which seems to save them writing extra letters to her.
When I renewed mine to keep D1 last year I sent all the stuff off, they sent it back saying something wasn't filled in properly but unhelpfully omitted to say what wasn't filled in properly. I rang them up, the chap went through the forms - they must have copied them all on to their system before sending them back - and he said no, it all looks fine to me, just send it back with my name on and I'll sort it. So I did, and he did, and it came back every quickly then. But cost me two lots of expensive postage.

New van, V5c not turned up so after 4 weeks I rang them. They insisted it was still showing as "in the trade". I had watched the chap at the garage do the transfer of ownership online, then I taxed it online. They said I'd have to go and get another form (V62?) and send it in with the green slip, and allow another 4 weeks. Instead I rang the seller and he did the transfer again online, he said I was the second that week where this had happened yet all others done recently had been processed. Anyway, I then got the new V5 3 days later.

So I don't agree that DVLA need hailing. They need a blooming good kick up the jacksy so they don't keep wasting my time and money.

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