Baked Potatoes..Camp oven


Full Member

Not rocket science but have found that baked spuds work out well in a smallish camp/dutch oven.
  • Use medium to small spuds
  • Use foil or (maybe baking paper or Teflon sheet) on oven base to keep it clean.
  • Put potatoes in to fill one layer
  • More foil on top to retain heat
  • Use camp oven heavy lid again to retain heat
  • Make hot on medium heat then turn gas to lowest heat
60 to 90 mins later "proper baked potatoes" a touch moist (but not like if done in a microwave !)
Maybe leave oven open after cooking to dry out a bit
No washing of pot needed !
Re-use foil
Not for those in a hurry
Not rocket science but have found that baked spuds work out well in a smallish camp/dutch oven.
  • Use medium to small spuds
  • Use foil or (maybe baking paper or Teflon sheet) on oven base to keep it clean.
  • Put potatoes in to fill one layer
  • More foil on top to retain heat
  • Use camp oven heavy lid again to retain heat
  • Make hot on medium heat then turn gas to lowest heat
60 to 90 mins later "proper baked potatoes" a touch moist (but not like if done in a microwave !)
Maybe leave oven open after cooking to dry out a bit
No washing of pot needed !
Re-use foil
Not for those in a hurry
Have you ever tried one on of those "solar ovens" you see some US Campers using? Not sure if we really get enough sun in UK/Europe compared to Arizona or New Mexico or whatever, but never know? If they worked would be great for things like Baked Potatoes :)
Have looked but not really enough usage
Lack of space in Vehicle
And as you say lack of sun

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