[CANCELLED] New Year Celebration at the Hereford Rowing Club - 29th December 2023 - 2nd January 2024

[CANCELLED] New Year Celebration at the Hereford Rowing Club - 29th December 2023 - 2nd January 2024
Posted by Admin
Hereford Rowing Club
Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 12:00 PM
Until: Tuesday, January 2, 2024 - 01:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates




Unfortunately, I have had to make the decision to cancel this rally. The team at the Rowing Club told me that the parking areas we need will not be usable even on Saturday. Without all the parking areas we would not be able to park all the vans, and we cannot park any longer vans.

Jeff told me they could take more people at the Hollingworth Lake rally. If you would like to attend that rally instead, please have a look at the thread below:

I will be staying at Hereford in case people do not get the message, and we can accommodate some vans for camping only at the rowing club from Saturday. There will be no food or entertainment as this will not be a rally. As I said, the area for parking larger vans will not be usable, so we won't be able to park vans over 8m.

I am sorry to give you bad news. This is out of my control.

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The List

  1. Admin (steward) (1 ticket)
  2. Motorhome Suzy (steward) (2 tickets)
  3. Ten Thousand Sunsets (parking) (2 tickets)
  4. Andromeda (1 ticket)
  5. Baileys go camping (2 tickets)
  6. MaryMary (1 ticket)
  7. Caz (1 ticket)
  8. Frank n Sense (2 tickets)
  9. Shaz and Daz (2 tickets)
  10. Bouydog (2 tickets)
  11. RickBeechwood (2 tickets)
  12. roadroamer (2 tickets)
  13. bentonaj (2 tickets)
  14. PaulHelenWilko (2 tickets)
  15. Beacons (2 tickets)
  16. PaulHelena381 (2 tickets)
  17. Minisorella
  18. Joncanton (2 tickets)
  19. gasgas (2 tickets)
  20. BunnyB (1 ticket)
  21. BongoBaz (2 tickets)
  22. Chipvan (2 tickets)
  23. Our Ducato Adventure (2 tickets)
  24. Travelling`swallows (2 tickets)
  25. Two plus woo (2 tickets)
  26. Wheelers in the wild (2 tickets)
  27. Dai Food (2 tickets)
  28. MykCamper (1 ticket)
  29. Elfish (1 ticket)
  30. Phils vanlife (1 ticket)
  31. Dreamcatchers (2 tickets)
  32. Gemma121 (2 tickets)
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Yes please Phil.
Can you also book a pitch for Helsque who now has her own van once again
yes please for me and Caz too please ie 2 pitches…..
Can Shaz and Daz please be added to this list they are currently in the Scottish highlands with no signal so cant add themselves. We are all planning on attending this meeting and then heading to the ferry to France. Thank you ☺️
The List

  1. Admin (steward)
  2. Motorhome Suzy (steward)
  3. Ten Thousand Sunsets (parking)
  4. Andromeda
  5. Allen
  6. Helsque
  7. Baileys go camping
  8. MaryMary
  9. Caz
  10. Frank n Sense
  11. Shaz and Daz
  12. Greengrass
Hi, please include me and the missus, all nights thanks.
Best regards

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