Defibrilator Fund



Howdy campers,

I want transparency with the money we raise for the defibrillators. With this in mind, I have set up a Google spreadsheet so that all our members can see how much money is in the fund and what it is being spent on.

The defibrillator batteries currently cost £336 each, and the pads with CPR feedback cost £158.40. We also need to replace the ready-packs at regular intervals.

We have three defibrillators and could do with a fourth at the cost of £1242.00 + a case and ready pack £90.00.

The total we are trying to raise is £2142.00

If anyone would like to make a direct donation, you can use the bank details below; please put a payment reference as "Defib + your username" or "Defib Anon" if you do not want your name on the spreadsheet.

Bank Name: Lloyds
Account Name: Motorhomer Ltd
Account Number: 61617860
Sort Code: 30-98-26

Hopefully, we will never have to use them, but if we do, your donation or participation in our fundraising could save a life!

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Confused why do you need more than one?