For Sale: Victron SmartSolar 100/20


Full Member

I had added an extra 180W of Solar to my Motorhome, which gives me a total of 450W.
This means I have had to upgrade my Solar Controller from the Victron SmartSolar MPPT 100/20 to the SmartSolar MPPT 100/30.

And more to the point, this means I have a SmartSolar 100/20 which is now surplus to requirements and is for sale :)
It is working perfectly with the only reason for sale being the upgrade as above.
Here is a screenshot I took of the history around a month ago and you can see it is doing just what it should be ....

Solar history
by David, on Flickr
It has harvested around 250kWh of solar since installation about 3 years ago.

These are around £160 currently, but I will take £90 including postage. This Controller is not under warranty hence the low price, but as said, it is in perfect working order.

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