Hi from the Isle of Wight


Free Member

Just joined the forum. Looking forward to a few rallies and meeting fellow motorhomers. We've been motorhoming a good few years now and we're always grateful for tips on how to enjoy our travels at home and abroad with our two dogs, Ruby the cockapoo and Alfie the cocker spaniel.
Hi and welcome.
So you like us are held to ransom by the ferry companies …… at least Dick Turpin wore a mask!
Just back from a week away were in Newchurch
So you like us are held to ransom by the ferry companies …… at least Dick Turpin wore a mask!
Just back from a week away were in Newchurch
The prices are a king's ransom, we can see the IOW from where we live, it's sort of 'look but don't touch' :unsure:
Probably staying put on the island in July as we're doing up our kitchen but looking forward to the rally at Hereford Rowing Club and n August🙂

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