Human thermals


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Can anyone please reccomend a good brand of thermal clothing as in tops leggings, socks and gloves. Thank you
Some time ago our son provided me with a brand new set of "Outlast" thermal underwear, manufactured in USA.

I can only wear the tops and leggings when working outdoors as they are far too warm.

I threw the socks away as they were too tight to get on.

So that's a second option to consider. 🙂
Doubt they do, but some sort of tog rating like duvets would be useful.
Although not cheap, I like the look of this as a means to keep the torso warm, not for me, as cold doesn't bother me. I have used Northern Diver dry suits and undersuits for years, a reputable company to deal with.
Find out what brand the British Army use. It might be a good starting point.
Whatever the reason, the layering principle is what outdoorsy people adhere to - rather than one bulky item. So you start with base layer, like merino, then a mid layer such as shirt and trousers, then a fleece, then a windproof/water resistant top and finally a shell outer which is wind and waterproof and breathable, not forgetting a hat or beanie, gloves, a down gilet, thick socks and good boots.

You wouldn't even have to light the fire. ;)
You'd be surprised by the number of people using Wully's tights idea..
Motorhomers.. ( We were Snowbound, one October, in Marsden in the Pennines. Parked on the cricket field for the Jazz festival.) Drifts right up to the wheel arches, on our winter escape south. Obviously no thick winter clothes.
Cyclists, motorcyclists and Truckers. ( Though some of them prefer the stockings and suspenders way, I'm told.. it makes peeing into a bottle, en -route, much easier.
Can anyone please reccomend a good brand of thermal clothing as in tops leggings, socks and gloves. Thank you
I’ll recommend Mountain warehouse Baselayer “ endurance “ they’re on sale at £8 at the minute, they keep you lovely n warm , I’m not even wearing anything over nine apart from a hoodie when I go shopping , lightweight waterproof in my bag just in case ! Look online !
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My parents always bought Damart.

I've heard Marks & Sparks sell good ones too.

I bought some fleecy lined leggings off ebay a few years ago from China, but when they came they are more like very thick warm footless tights, not proper leggings, so I wear them under my trousers or jeans when I go out walking in very cold weather. Cosy.

Warmest socks and gloves I have found are the ones labelled "Heat holders".

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