Not sure I'd advertise my employment like this...

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

Reg number I saw this morning

Quickest way to have a vehicle vandalised.

Most police pretend they are something quite different.
I have no idea what it is meant to read :unsure:
It may have been a cop with a range rover or just an idiot who hadn't noticed the range rover badges on the front and back of it.
All mine are on MP3 now, takes up almost no space at all and is searchable.

My brother has a pers plate, me i think its bonkers, any i get worth a bob is sold on.
I have got a private plate here Trev. I think your Wife might buy it for you -------- USL1S.

Actually, it is a genuine number plate I saw on a top of the range Mercedes many years ago. :giggle:
I have got a private plate here Trev. I think your Wife might buy it for you -------- USL1S.

Actually, it is a genuine number plate I saw on a top of the range Mercedes many years ago. :giggle:
Moving swiftly on.......

My favourite was THE 8Oss, owned by a chap that owned a brewery in Kinston upon Thames.

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