
Sharon the Cat

Full Member

Yesterday we looked at one MH but dismissed it for lack of storage. The dealer then showed us a Rimor Seal 67 Plus which ticks a lot of boxes for us. The interior build quality seemed rather flimsy, but we'd just looked at a Wingamm which is in a different class. The heating and hot water only run on gas.
We currently have a Bailey Approach 625 with a good bathroom with separate shower, but we're tired of making up beds every night. The Rimor, is a tad shorter, with an even bigger bathroom, garage, and a drop down bed, it seemed like a tardis.

May I ask if anyone has experience of Rimors and also the dealer, ES Hartley at Ellesmere Port?
Not looked at either except just now online.

I do like the look of the Bailey, I'd delete the Microwave for a cupboard.

Didn't care for the Rimor mainly on the layout.
Not looked at either except just now online.

I do like the look of the Bailey, I'd delete the Microwave for a cupboard.

Didn't care for the Rimor mainly on the layout.
It's the layout of the Rimor that works for us. Bailey are keen on making motorhomes like caravans. I swear there are double figures of 240v sockets. Rimor is the opposite with a gas only hearing system.
I like the way the habitation door is central. If ever you wanted an awning, you wouldn’t have any problem opening the door.

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