Uxbridge English Dictionary.


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I'm a big fan of the BBC Radio 4 program," I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue"
The host, Jack Dee's humour, runs something like this. When introducing the programs pianist, says something like this. "Colin Sell is like a stopped clock. Two useless hands, and no sense of time".
If you don't see the fun in that, then what I'm proposing is going to be lost on you.
Because the tread, Tip of the day, was such an outstanding success. Let's go for word of the day !
Tonight there was a letter from a Mrs Trellis of North Wales, addressed to Tom Kerrridge.
Listen to tonight’s, I’m sorry I haven’t a clue , on catch up, to hear the full text . Amazing insight on today’s culinary arts
Also , your find out about the sad death, of the mime artist, Marcel Marceau.
Tonight there was a letter from a Mrs Trellis of North Wales, addressed to Tom Kerrridge.
Listen to tonight’s, I’m sorry I haven’t a clue , on catch up, to hear the full text . Amazing insight on today’s culinary arts
Also , your find out about the sad death, of the mime artist, Marcel Marceau.
He's not dead; just miming, and being very quiet about the experience ...

He's not dead; just miming, and being very quiet about the experience ...

I'd like to see him get out of his glass coffin.
Listen to Monday's program on BBC sounds. A very clever play on words.

the winner of The Supreme Cat Show

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