Vtoman items info

Still got my trusty Honda iu20 bought of obanboy 8 year’s ago use it nearly every week and it’s still like new. So that’s me got a whoosh bang door and a dirty big genarator and I’ll probably be pishing and shiting in a bucket for a while.😜
This camping in vans is fun. I’ve got a feeling I’m gone wake in a sweat one day and think the last 12 years of motorhoming was a bad dream and I got all my money back. 😂
Still got my trusty Honda iu20 bought of obanboy 8 year’s ago use it nearly every week and it’s still like new. So that’s me got a whoosh bang door and a dirty big genarator and I’ll probably be pishing and shiting in a bucket for a while.😜
This camping in vans is fun. I’ve got a feeling I’m gone wake in a sweat one day and think the last 12 years of motorhoming was a bad dream and I got all my money back. 😂

You're going to be living the dream, has it got an alarm activated with the key fob, if so you can keep everyone awake, when you go to bed pished an lay on it. Just like Robmac.
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I’d rather you didn’t mention that meet please 💩 Think it was a fools moon that weekend. I heard they wanted to build houses on that ground but the tests came back as toxic😜.

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