Winter storage

The laird

Rally Organiser

Winter storage

Over the winter period i have had a oil filled radiator on with the van on hook up at the house,water tanks never drained ,all cupboards left open,we leave clothes all the time in the van ready to go,no musty smell etc ,no condensations,never had any hassle with water freeze up etc.any last sunday all ok again ,i do start it once a week release the brakes and move it either a foot forward or ba kwords to shift tyres ,ive done this for years and never experianced any trouble .hope this may help others over the cold periods
Chock one wheel and leave the handbrake off all the time. If it gets very cold then your radiator might not be enough to prevent pipework in remote corners from freezing. It's the small quantities of water that are most at risk of freezing. Better to leave the van's heating on low, especially if the converters have routed the warm air trunkings around the periphery of the van.
Spacerunner;n18061 said:
Chock one wheel and leave the handbrake off all the time. If it gets very cold then your radiator might not be enough to prevent pipework in remote corners from freezing. It's the small quantities of water that are most at risk of freezing. Better to leave the van's heating on low, especially if the converters have routed the warm air trunkings around the periphery of the van.

Cheers for that ,wheels are chocked off and the water tank is inboard and we insulated ,hymers lagging is pretty good and after five years of what I do during the cold here in Scotland I’m happy to keep to my routine as I’ve never had any hassle ,not to say it might not happen but thanks again
Always leave handbrake off but in gear as it’s a manual. Ground is level anyway. If I’ve not used it I actually run say 10 miles on the 1st (or near date) of each month that way I don’t leave it to long.
Phillybarbour;n18211 said:
Always leave handbrake off but in gear as it’s a manual. Ground is level anyway. If I’ve not used it I actually run say 10 miles on the 1st (or near date) of each month that way I don’t leave it to long.

I try to go further to get some proper heat into all the mechanicals if i can. Typically A59 > Switch Island > M58 ( 65 - 70 MPH ) to the end > M6 North > J29 > Home.
Yeah we went to fie then south Queensferry and home last weekend to heat it right up.when first drove off I kept footbrake applied to face up discs etc ,I th8nk it’s only fair to give it a run if you want it to look after you ,imho

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