Tent Pegs


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Thinking of getting some new pegs to replace the standard bent nails that come with some kit.

I noticed these ones on Amazon that look interesting .... https://amzn.to/2DxHoSE

Rather than just banging them in with a mallet, you use a cordless drill to put them in. Sounds like it could be a good solution for really hard ground (I broke my heavy duty mallet last year whacking some in on a field in Alnwick).
Thinking also they could be easier to remove when decamping? I would think they could also provide extra security as while easier to remove with tools I guess, they presumably cannot be easily removed WITHOUT a drill/spanner? (could be good as I use pegs to secure the walls and door of a Gazebo and ordinary pegs can be pulled out),

Anyone tried these and liked them? Or tried them and found them a PITA having to screw them rather then bang them?

The alternative for me is these - https://amzn.to/2Dx9PA2 . Similar to the Fiamma Pegs they supply but heavier duty.
I got a set which came with a socket to fix in your cordless drill. Perfect! Err, no - tried them on a loose stony surface and they were useless - wandered all over the place except downwards and wound up the rubber ladders. Fine in grass/hard packed smooth soil, but so are hammer in pegs. They are actually quite useful as hammer ins on grass as they get a real good secure fix to be fair. Don't want to put you off, they are pretty cheap to buy and if you too find them a pain, they are still very suitable for use with a hammer. Bob
I got a mate to make me some out of 5mm stainless rod about 30year ago and I’ve never bent one yet if you hit a rock it just stops.
Old push rods (remember them?) with a short length of bar welded on, go through anything;)
Bought some heavy duty ones from Decathlon in France one year - strong and [so far] none have bent
I use them regularly and wouldn't be without them. However, as others have said, the will get no purchase on a bed of chippings!

I do have another set with glow in the dark tops so they can be avoided when stumbling around at night. Look really smart.

A lot quicker and less effort than mallet and pegs in my opinion. Easy to wind out again on removal come to think of it.
I got a set which came with a socket to fix in your cordless drill. Perfect! Err, no - tried them on a loose stony surface and they were useless - wandered all over the place except downwards and wound up the rubber ladders. Fine in grass/hard packed smooth soil, but so are hammer in pegs. They are actually quite useful as hammer ins on grass as they get a real good secure fix to be fair. Don't want to put you off, they are pretty cheap to buy and if you too find them a pain, they are still very suitable for use with a hammer. Bob
I think I will get these.
If I don't, I will always be wondering if they would have done the trick.
I do have some very serious pegs but they are actually too big for many applications (they are for my Heavy Duty Gazebo).

Exciting photo time ... Ground Peg Collection!
IMG_20190426_103719 by David, on Flickr
Top one is the FO Nail Type - they are serious but limited use due to size
2nd Top ones are good. Can't recall what they came with. Maybe Kyham gear?
3rd are the plastic ones. They are remarkably good actually as long as there is no rock. They can be a right bugger to get out sometimes though. That little hook on the top is not always strong enough so I tend to only use these if I am not needing to peg deeply
4th from top is the traditional tent peg and this one is in the traditional condition after 2 or 3 uses ;)
5th one are the Fiamma supplied ones. These are good as well but the serrations on the 2nd one (white top) do make a difference.

I'm thinking those screw-in ones will be better than the Yellow or White ones in more situations and maybe harder to remove WITHOUT the right tools (better protection overnight)
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Aldi has the screw in pegs at the mo for £7.99 Also has blue and green toilet fluid at £5.99
Aldi has the screw in pegs at the mo for £7.99 Also has blue and green toilet fluid at £5.99
good price. I ordered the Amazon ones (my nearest Aldi is a 30+ mile round trip)
Tent pegs and mallets yo bash them in !!.............................:)


Why I liked the look of the Screw-in ones ....


The previous 2 weeks saw the handle of my lump hammer go south as well!

(I now carry a mallet with an fibre handle)
Aldi has the screw in pegs at the mo for £7.99 Also has blue and green toilet fluid at £5.99
I bought the Aldi pegs last year and they were very good, apart from one occasion when I had to borrow a large crowbar to get them back out of hard ground.
I bought the Aldi pegs last year and they were very good, apart from one occasion when I had to borrow a large crowbar to get them back out of hard ground.

I use a claw hammer and a 50mm cube block of wood for leverage, no probs
I use a claw hammer and a 50mm cube block of wood for leverage, no probs

2.5lb lump hammer for putting in and a claw hammer for taking out...but I like the idea of a block of wood for leverage.

Ta...I'll keep my eye out for a suitable piece

Hi Graham, I got my 50mm block from an old pallette
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