Flexiplus cover


Full Member

Someone told me that it only covers you abroad for 31 days which was new to me. I’ve just phoned them and they said it’s not true. I asked where I could find it in their terms and conditions but couldn’t find any reference to it. Anybody any thoughts or experience of this? Driving on my own in the middle of nowhere in Spain and Portugal, I need to be 100% sure I’ve got breakdown! Life is more complicated without ADAC! Apologies if it’s been covered elsewhere - I did a search but nothing came up.
I’ve never been aware of any limit.
full documents are in the app/website but I haven’t read and absorbed cover to cover😩
I'm pretty sure you have to pay extra for a time extension beyond the 31 days.
Don’t confuse the thirty day rule for health cover with the cover for breakdowns. I recall it is up to 180 days per year but if you go on line to them you can do an online chat where they will give a definitive answer you can print out. Also just phone them, they are really helpful and easy to get through to.
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