A handy all things France new letter.


Full Member

I hope this is ok to post, and I may have posted this before, I find this news letter invaluable, which you can subscribe to for free.

Yes Terry, absolutely agree, we have used Alan's website for a while now. The news blog is really good, latest updates about motorhome crime hotspots, new facility in Paris, new aires etc, speed limit changes, diesel prices. Latest newsletter includes a piece about the new smart traffic lights which automatically turn red if you approach them exceeding the speed limit ...........
I hope this is ok to post, and I may have posted this before, I find this news letter invaluable, which you can subscribe to for free.

If you can pick out the olive green route from the rest this is the 3 month circuit we are planning next spring to visit most of the Most Beautiful Villages…at least the ones that are new to us.IMG_0309.jpeg
Yes, Alan's newsletter has some interesting content, though some of it is not necessarily up-to-the-minute.
I felt quite sorry for Alan when we were all holed up with Covid.
It sort of felt like he was talking to himself!

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