07 Ducato clock flashing??? 😒🤔

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

It was alright last time we used the van but the last few times I've driven it the clock flashes and I've not found any info on why it would.

See video link please.

Hi Kev,

Can't play your video. Is it the entire clock flashing or just hours or minutes? Has it somehow gone into time set mode?
Just the time clock.

I don't think it's in timeset mode s it comes out on it's own.

this link should work

I've gone through the instructions and it still flashes



No Tom, something not right, it only shows the clock flashing though.
The original link worked for me :)

Can't help with the problem though :D
I detest digital clocks and gadgets in things today, i fit a wrist watch on the steering wheel or dash with proper hands that dont require brain overload trying to convert.
Someone on the Fiat Forum posted this link.

Someone on the Fiat Forum posted this link.

Interesting. Have you put a code reader on to see if any errors come up?
No David, I'm just waiting for the MCEA lass to arrive so I reset the clock but it still flashed so tried again a few times and it has stopped flashing, so I'll have to see if it happens again or not.
She came over FOC to sort out the mess her colleague had made fitting the MPPT controller.

We worked out that he was doing a decent job of the wiring but then he cut a cable to fit a fuse and found he didn't have one with him so he just connected it up and put a shrink sleeve on it, fastened it all back up cover on etc and said nothing, she's like me and knew enough to be dangerous, but she's been on some courses and she's up to speed on the 12v side of things now, she is not going to get into 240v as she can call on someone for that, and she rarely needs to get involved with it more than changing a socket etc.
She came over FOC to sort out the mess her colleague had made fitting the MPPT controller.

We worked out that he was doing a decent job of the wiring but then he cut a cable to fit a fuse and found he didn't have one with him so he just connected it up and put a shrink sleeve on it, fastened it all back up cover on etc and said nothing, she's like me and knew enough to be dangerous, but she's been on some courses and she's up to speed on the 12v side of things now, she is not going to get into 240v as she can call on someone for that, and she rarely needs to get involved with it more than changing a socket etc.
makes sense not getting involved with the 240V side if you can avoid it.

Bit naughty bodging something and keeping quiet about it. Fair enough not having something to finish a job and having to come back, but pretending all is ok like that is a poor show.
Fortunately he's retired now, I used him a few years ago as he was local to Pudsey, I had a heater problem he fixed it, took two days and never charged me, I offered to pay him but he just never told me how much, this lass is really on the ball, 50 ish really calm and pleasant to deal with but an hour from me.
Your flashing clock is a sign that the canbus system is not getting an input from one of the many inputs it normally gets, apparently the various control modules speak to each other and the flashing is a sign something is missing or irregular.
Often happens with the later systems when the standard radio gets changed for a different one or a wire that carries one of the many signals around the system gets interrupted
Hi John, thanks,

That makes sense, I posted a thread ages ago about a weird noise that happened randomly, it sounded like birds hopping around on the roof, but was coming via the speakers, so I detached the speaker cable in the hab, so the noise moved to the front, a week ago I pulled the radio wiring as we never listen to it really and I think this is when it started flashing, I managed to stop it the other day by repeatedly resetting the time clock, I'm hoping it stays fixed, but I'll report back if it returns & I'll cover it with tape if it does.

I've not heard the noise since, you could hear it even if the van was unoccupied and you were walking past it, that's a wait and see if it has gone for good or not.
I would be amazed if your cab radio had anything to do with any Canbus connections on your age van. Ducatos 10+ years younger than yours still have non-Canbus radios.
You could have disturbed something else I suppose when disconnecting the radio?
I have no clue, the two may be unrelated, but the noise has stopped, it did that for days then just started off again, without even touching the radio, the only thing for certain is it was coming through the speakers and they of course are plugged into the radio, removing the rear speakers stopped it in the back it's could be a duff radio

The weird noise.


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