A curiosity question for Geeky Phil


Full Member

I always have both Motorhomer & the Wild Camping sites open on seperate tabs.
The fact that both sites are laid out similarly make using them both very much easier.

There is one major difference that i find curious and makes using the Motorhomer site more of a chore.
I generally check for new posts on each site.
On both sites the headers are the same
Yet on Wild Camping when i scroll down the header showing new posts etc remains visible but on the Motorhomer site the new posts tab scrolls up and out of sight.
Is there a technical issue that makes each site operate differently ?

Not a major issue but it would be handy if the new post tab remained visible when scrolling down.
Not sure what is happening with you, it stays as a static header on both sites with us ....?
Just to be sure we are talking about the same thing, this is our iPad screenshot having scrolled halfway down .........

That's weird ...... this is a similar screenshot from our MacBook, suspect it might be a browser setting at your end, over to Phil .......

Screenshot 2019-12-09 at 20.51.27.jpg
Am still stumped as to why this is an issue for me on my laptop.
I normally use Google but get the same issue using Opera..
I have also logged in to this site on my tablet and on my Android phone & I am getting the same issue.
All very weird !!
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