Any idea what this part is?


Full Member

This was left on my passenger seat after my hab check at a dealers the other day.

Any ides?

It's plastic if that helps.

PS Its NOT a toilet roll holder!! :)
Yes well done (y)

Change it?

It doesn't need changing unless its broken or cant be put back on I think. I'm waiting for Thule to come back to me with an idea of how to do it. I have emailed the dealers (they haven't responded either!). If its an easy job I'll do it in order to save a 1.5 hour round trip. If its not then the dealer will sort.
Just why would it be removed during a hab check?


I have yet to hear back from the dealer as I suspect that they are taking their time to concoct a story as to how it was all my fault!

Cynic? Moi?
Are you sure it actually CAME from YOUR Motorhome? Some dealer employee may have happened to have it with them in their toolbox or whatever when they were doing the hab check and accidently left it behind. Is anything not working now which was before?
After all, if it were a Screwdriver or Spanner left on the seat, you wouldn't automatically assume it was from your own toolkit, would you?
The hab check said "parts missing from awning" and lo and behold this part was on my passenger seat.

I said above I am waiting until Thule get back to me regarding refitting it as I don't want to wind out the awning if I cant get it back in again.
The hab check said "parts missing from awning" and lo and behold this part was on my passenger seat.

I said above I am waiting until Thule get back to me regarding refitting it as I don't want to wind out the awning if I cant get it back in again.
well you didn't tell us that bit :)
No I didn't as it goes. But it still defies some logic as presumably until the part somehow got on my passenger seat it wasn't missing from my awning...if it is indeed from my awning :)

If I don't get a response to my emails to the dealer I will ring them Monday and see what's what there. Hopefully Thule will come back with some guidance too. Then we can put this to bed.

It may well be something and nothing aad the awning will be just fine without it but I'd rather get that confirmed first before doing anything rash.

If the part does turn out to be from another MH I'll be giving it back to the dealer, no worries.

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