Armaçao De Pera . Algarve


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Even in these quiet times, the clampdown on Wildcamping continues .
Yesterday,10 units were fined for flouting the new rules.
Serves them right..
They've been well warned.
Was that on the football club car park or somewhere else?
Oh what I'd give to be there now.
Even in these quiet times, the clampdown on Wildcamping continues .
Yesterday,10 units were fined for flouting the new rules.
Is that in the carpark where you pay to park then the Police move you on seem to remember something along those lines being reported before
The old football pitch ..?
Not seen a Brit van , on the roads, except for residents, since Autumn.
So I can't ask for updates.
Anyone know about the present situation ?
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Was that on the football club car park or somewhere else?
Oh what I'd give to be there now.
By the 'football ground', do you mean the one down to the roundabout with the boat on it and turn left (beach now on your right)?

Looks familiar.. don't recognise all those concrete buildings
It's over 10 years since we last wildcamped on the cliff tops there.
The world has moved on since then.
By the 'football ground', do you mean the one down to the roundabout with the boat on it and turn left (beach now on your right)?

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Yes that's the one, last time we were there it was about €4 a night.
You are only allowed to park not camp i.e. no chairs outside your van.
Yes that's the one, last time we were there it was about €4 a night.
You are only allowed to park not camp i.e. no chairs outside your van.
We where there December 2019 for one night before moving on to Camping Albufeira. It was about €4 or 5, same rules but good value for a sea view and the money goes to the local football club I believe.

Hopefully we'll be back there again, I don't like these damp cold British winters.
I'm willing to bet that the ones who were fined we're bragging b the No Camping regulations.
Those big French vans with a huge trailer, behind , are asking for trouble.
The cops are throwing the book at them, in the national parks.
They can then crow about it in the local press.
Good Public Relations.
Even in these quiet times, the clampdown on Wildcamping continues .
Yesterday,10 units were fined for flouting the new rules.
Serves them right..
They've been well warned.
What happens if you live in your motorhome and can’t afford a private campsite at £20 a day because you’ve lost your job m. Motorhome are homes for some. Just like canal boats.

using for a holiday ok understood but not fair for those just trying to get by.
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What happens if you live in your motorhome and can’t afford a private campsite at £20 a day because you’ve lost your job m. Motorhome are homes for some. Just like canal boats.

using for a holiday ok understood but not fair for those just trying to get by.

A single €2000 fine would certainly cover a lot of nights on campsites.
What happens if you live in your motorhome and can’t afford a private campsite at £20 a day because you’ve lost your job m. Motorhome are homes for some. Just like canal boats.

using for a holiday ok understood but not fair for those just trying to get by

, Good question.
If you've lost your job, and are having to live on benefits, Going abroad, would mean that you're not available for work.
It would be very risky coming all the way down here and risking some jealous Sod grassing you up .
Only the Campsites that are popular , near resorts like Albufeira, can charge your prices of £ 20 a night, to remain full. Even they give discounts for long termers.
Pay Aires, further inland, charge from 6 Euros..a night, eating and drinking costs less, away from the festivities and golf courses...
And they are underused..!
But if you want to drink only Carlsburg, or John Smith's, shop at Tesco's, Dine out on Makro food and only meet like minded foreigners, ... You'll have to pay for the privilege..
Good luck to those who want to do that, you're bringing prosperity to the low paid locals.
Not sure if it has changed but a) there are just not enough campsites in normal times and b) those that there are seem to be either sub standard or in complete shade. We tried a couple the last time we were there and had to have the heating on due to deep shade making it too cold to sit outside and just as cold inside. Not anyone's idea of a winter sojourn in Portugal.
The Campsites were originally set up for the locals to get away during the hotter months.. May to Sept.
In the winter, nobody went outside, for pleasure.
Overwintering campers were a rare sight , until the 1990s
Shade was and still is at a premium in the peak months of June, July August..
Then they got domestic air-conditioning..
So they can stay indoors all year round now.
The old football pitch ..?
Not seen a Brit van , on the roads, except for residents, since Autumn.
So I can't ask for updates.
Anyone know about the present situation ?

Even in these quiet times, the clampdown on Wildcamping continues .
Yesterday,10 units were fined for flouting the new rules.
Serves them right..
They've been well warned.
Hi all I can't see a reply as to where this happened...
We stayed in the football car park 4 euro a night with no Problems... was there in October and November 2020
It's clearly the old football field near the roundabout in the picture from xsilvergs. It's at Fishermen's Beach (English translation!). It's not new for the GNR to raid the place and hand out fines for overnighting. In the past they've done it randomly, but usually when it's become obvious that people were flouting the "parking only" rules. But since January this year, the Portuguese Highway Code now bans sleeping in vehicles outside of aires and campsites, so anyone doing so, whether full-timing or not, can expect to be fined heavily. Sad, for all those of us who've enjoyed the freedom of past years, but true.
Thanks Frogman,
My reply would have been exactly the same.
Saved me having to type it.

I was called Frogman, at school.
I'm named Paul William Henry.
There was a Yank singer. Clarence, Frogman, Henry.. Ugly looking guy, with a voice like a pipesmokers ashtray.
My mates we're onto that like a shot.
What's your story.?

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