Attempted theft of our Motorhome


Rally Organiser

Last night about 1.00am the alarm went of on the motorhome which is parked on the drive , the alarm never goes off so I knew this was the real thing , I shot out of bed and ran downstairs and out onto the drive , I noticed the front drivers door was open so cautiously I looked in the van only to find it had nobody inside and the scumbags had run away fast , I looked around the van looking for any damage and could not find any not even to the door barrel so I am puzzled as to how they opened it , I am sure they was professionals and after taking the van by using the ODB port . Now my van also has a lot more security features witch I wont go into detail on a open forum , but I am sure they would not be able to drive it away . Anyhow just for a piece of mind I have also ordered one of these .


These scumbags WILL take your van if you don't take security measures , make sure you get up to date on security , keep one step ahead of them , this is happening all over the country and vans being stolen every day and it is getting worse and more frequent . BTW my van is the fiat ducato 2013
Good news that your van is safe and ok, but not what you want or need, That wheel clamp looks the business, make anyone else think twice.
Jeff glad they never got the barstewards they are ,probably never worked in their puff,I was getting ribbed about buying a transit base veh ,but jeff I’ve done a lot of deterant measures some visible to the eye but if they want something they will try but make it fn hard for them ,lately there’s been a fair few fiat.pug n cit base vehicles getting nicked as they are becoming more familiar with newer brands but happy they never got it mate
Gordon it shows how just simple things like a audible alarm will make them crap themselves if they are not prepared for it
Glad you've still got it - as you say a big wheel clamp ought to put them off.
It might even have deterred them from starting?
Hopefully no more bother - the remote tracker actuation is a good idea for when you're not at home which is the big risk.
Hi Jeff. I’ve got one of those, it ain’t ‘arf a heavy so and so though. Not something you are likely to want to carry around in the van, unless you have masses of spare payload and big muscles!
Last night about 1.00am the alarm went of on the motorhome which is parked on the drive , the alarm never goes off so I knew this was the real thing , I shot out of bed and ran downstairs and out onto the drive , I noticed the front drivers door was open so cautiously I looked in the van only to find it had nobody inside and the scumbags had run away fast , I looked around the van looking for any damage and could not find any not even to the door barrel so I am puzzled as to how they opened it , I am sure they was professionals and after taking the van by using the ODB port . Now my van also has a lot more security features witch I wont go into detail on a open forum , but I am sure they would not be able to drive it away . Anyhow just for a piece of mind I have also ordered one of these .


These scumbags WILL take your van if you don't take security measures , make sure you get up to date on security , keep one step ahead of them , this is happening all over the country and vans being stolen every day and it is getting worse and more frequent . BTW my van is the fiat ducato 2013
glad its safe , will be looking at my safety measures .
We've just had a fuel cut off switch fitted. But it wouldn't stop them putting it on a low loader, but that takes more time.
As difficult as possible is the way to go. Sadly it won't stop them pinching a motor home, but not yours!
Glad they didn't get yours Jeff. Hope they don't come back.
This is one of those times that I am glad to have an ancient van that even I would be ashamed to pinch
Bet you'd muss it desperately though.

Just what do they do with stolen vans?
Clone/dodgy plates and a ferry abroad?
Surely can't be for parts?
Can I ask what Tracker system you have? I am impressed they were aware within a minute without you having to tell them...I don’t think the systems I have had can do that.
Bet you'd muss it desperately though.

Just what do they do with stolen vans?
Clone/dodgy plates and a ferry abroad?
Surely can't be for parts?
I'd love to know . My van was stolen , abandoned then stolen again . Clamped by DVLA then stolen again . Police reckon it may still be in Edinburgh but , after their handling of all this , wtf do they know ?
Wow Jeff glad they did not take your van or cause any damage the wheel clamp is the one I have 👍

Looks like it is getting bad Chris . I have been told it is happening all over the UK big time . I have been doing a bit more tweaking and waiting for that thing to arrive that you have also ordered . The wheel clamp is more of a visual deterrent and it will only be used when parked on my drive , I wont be carrying it around with me due to its weight . I hope all who read this take note and act now before their van goes missing
It is a Defender outsmart the thief , £95 a year and linked to a Auto watch alarm system , I would well recommend the system
So did you not buy the base system as there is one off charge for the initial system installation. I have Autowatch already so it would be good for me if I only needed to pay £95 a year.

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