Australia pvc experience advice


Full Member

Anyone had any experience in oz or know of any similar groups for advice out there?
my sister is thinking of buying one out there.
We toured WA in a borrowed small converted truck.
Most of the Oz units were much bigger almost RV as in US.
Many towed big caravans using 4WD pickup type vehicles with tyres to match
Sister just wants a pvc compact van not a full or oversize MH/RV!!!
Gumtree, eBay but they probably bar foreigners from making contact unless you are in Australia.
These are the people to join up with in OZ
They sponsor the ever increasing number of free dump points and fight the RV owners corner.
And this is the 'Where can I park guide' that was our bible during 6 years of exploring OZ. This is a must if you are going any distance as come towns are 600Km apart even on main coast roads, particularly on the west coast going north.

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