Dashcam file formats for android


Full Member

My dashcam records avi files.
I can see the files on my android tablet via an otg device and card reader but they do not play.
1 a file converter.
2 a simple editor simply to trim out the rubbish.
3 a viewer/player.

Not sure what you are asking for but why not just upload them to youtube? I'm assuming it is events that are worth sharing with others.

My files playback with sound on my W10 netbook when I stick the SD card in.
Tablet has good storage.
I like bigger files on external drives.
And I like to download from the SD card to a usb flash drive
Have now sorted it.
Will also upload to ??? But eats into my data usage.
Unedited would not make good viewing.
Will edit on a laptop when at home and unlimited data !
It maybe a few months before we are at home. With the otg 4 port usb hub I use a memory card reader and a flashdrive. Also for copying from digicameras.
It works on all platforms and it's been around since 2001, I've used since the first release. It's not my first choice player on Windows but it does play virtually any video or audio file format :D

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