Dometic Fridge/Freezer RML 9435 Non-Illuminated Alarm Frustration


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Loaded up Brunhilde on Saturday morning and set off for a weekend away in Tentsmuir Forest, near Tayport. Switched the AES Control Panel to Auto and started the engine, away we went. 2 minutes later an audible alarm sounded for 15 seconds, and repeated every 2 minutes. Thought we had forgotten to switch on the 12v, or hadn't pressed the 'Automatic' selection, or had had a general 'Senior Moment'. Stopped at a layby on A92, and checked that 12v was on, deselected 'Automatic' in case the AES Panel was having a problem, and manually selected 12v power source, because there was no Alarm Light appearing on the AES Panel.

2 minutes later, the audible alarm started again, 15 seconds of beeping, every 2 minutes. Left it in this mode until we got to the site, and tried the Gas selection, with and without 'Automatic' power selection buttons, no change. Checked fuses and connections in the Elektroblok EBL99. no problems, switched the 12v supply on and off a couple of times at the EBL, no change. Beeping alarm persisted, so switched the Gas supply on and off, changed the selected Gas Bottle, checked that the gas was getting through by lighting all burners on the stove for 20 seconds in case there was an airlock or smilar. No change, and the audible alarm continued. Removed the Lower Fridge Vent [and cracked my previous repair!] and could see that the burner was lighting, with a pure blue flame

In desperation, we opened the fridge door, partly to check that the internal temperature was reducing, and that the internal metal fins were chilling [they were the only ones who were!] and partly to check the seal for any rough edges or obstructions. Gave the door as forceful a slam as I could risk [having broken the doorhandle/security catch in Spain in April 2022] and the fault cleared! Wading through the Manual and Troubleshooting Tips, we discover that there is a Sensor that checks whether the Fridge Internal Light has been extinguished when the Door is shut, and if it thinks it's partly opened, the audible alarm sounds for 15 seconds, every 2 minutes!

I hope that the sensor is not about to fail and that the 'door open' detection resulted from either a bit of grit blown into the Van whilst we were loading [parked on the A921 opposite the Firth of Forth and the wind blows shedloads of grit and crap in every time the Van door is opened ], OR a food container/plastic packaging was fouling on the seal. Touch wood, the Fridge has behaved perfectly over the weekend, so fingers crossed.

Final problem with the cracked Fridge Vent; my tube of Superglue had gone off, so had a 12,000 step return wander to the Co op [only store of any size in Tayport!] to buy a new Tube, starting the regluing around 6pm ...

I'm posting this as an information item, because the alarm without the Alarm Light illuminating was mystifying, and there was no hint at where the problem may lie! If anyone has had the Light Sensor problem with the Fridge, and it wasn't a fouling food item package stopping the door from closing fully, I would appreciate a comment on where the Sensor is located, the availability of parts, and what outrageous cost a new Sensor runs to. And whether the refitting is a DIY job or whether it's a Dealer appointment!

Glad you got it sorted Steve, we can get around the rest, but ya gorra have fridge.

Some parts dealers have a sploded diagram so it might indicate the sensor positioning

Just waiting for ours to go phut.
I kept having a similar problem but with light on and eventually found that water/condensation was collecting behind the light panel. I look off the cover over the light to dry it out and all was well but it did keep occurring every now and then. It is a horrendous problem to have that continuous beeping especially at night
I kept having a similar problem but with light on and eventually found that water/condensation was collecting behind the light panel. I look off the cover over the light to dry it out and all was well but it did keep occurring every now and then. It is a horrendous problem to have that continuous beeping especially at night
That is an incredibly helpful reply; thank you very much! It'll go in the 'Marchie's Idiots Guide to Solving M/Home Problems' for future reference [much easier than the 'I remember it happening before, just can't remember how I fixed it' head scatching :rolleyes: ]

A lot of the stuff fitted is not fit for purpose in vans, work fine long term on the test bench.
A lot of the stuff fitted is not fit for purpose in vans, work fine long term on the test bench.
it depends, Kev, on whether the purpose is to produce a functional part/component, or whether the purpose is to produce something that will fail regularly, and so will ensure lots of repeat business that generates cashflow and profits. Cynical? Too right I am

On my second fridge control panel in 6 years of ownership of my Buster 590 =£230 a time, easy to fit cures most problems on this fridge.
On my second fridge control panel in 6 years of ownership of my Buster 590 =£230 a time, easy to fit cures most problems on this fridge.
The Control Panel is working fine '[new one supplied by the Dealer on purchase April 2021]. Problem was the audible alarm that did not trigger the light. The Dometic Manual shows the audible alarm as the Sensor thinking the interior light is still on

The cost of running these 3-way fridges is pretty horrendous :(
If a domestic fridge failed - or needed servicing - in the same way and frequency as "recreational" fridges do, there would be questions asked in the House (of Parliament)!
But it seems to be just accepted as "that's the way it is"?
The cost of running these 3-way fridges is pretty horrendous :(
If a domestic fridge failed - or needed servicing - in the same way and frequency as "recreational" fridges do, there would be questions asked in the House (of Parliament)!
But it seems to be just accepted as "that's the way it is"?
It's the cosr of all this cheap motorhoming! By the time I buy the Van, rip out the AES fridge+ oven, buy a domestic fridge, install a B2B, lithium battery and inverter, plus refillable gas system et al, it would be cheaper and more comfy to book a hotel ...


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