DVLA and private parking


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DVLA and private parking

The DVLA have apperently sold 6 million names and addresses to the private parking companies though it's not quite that cut and dried but now they can send their invoices to your homes .
just heard this on tv now......utter disgraceful......the fact that dvla has done this..........it wont be long before a scam is hatched and fake/scam parking tickets will be dropping thru the letterbox..........shudder just thinking about it.
None of these so-called 'parking tickets' are anything of the sort. They are invoices and nothing else. They are an entirely civil matter between you(or the driver) and the company. If they wish to enforce it at all it is only in the civil court-not magistrates. They are a bill, nothing more, sent to you by the company who administer the car park subject of the bill. I have ignored 3 of these over the years and on the one occasion I was actually asked to attend a civil court hearing over it, the company did not turn up and it was dismissed anyway and costs were awarded against them.It was a local car park where I had parked with one rear tyre touching the edge of the parking bay white line! and they wanted £30! It cost them £130 just to lose! If you get a 'ticket' you just need to read it carefully to ascertain who has issued it. If its police or council mongs you can contest it but it is a mags court job. Issued by anyone else you can ignore it- the worst that can happen is a request to attend the small claims court to dispute it and no doubt you will win. Most likely the company wont follow it through and/or turn up.
Campervanannie;n4461 said:
The DVLA have apperently sold 6 million names and addresses to the private parking companies though it's not quite that cut and dried but now they can send their invoices to your homes .

That's interesting. Clearly data protection doesn't apply in this case.

Colin ???
teejay;n4492 said:
None of these so-called 'parking tickets' are anything of the sort. They are invoices and nothing else. They are an entirely civil matter between you(or the driver) and the company. If they wish to enforce it at all it is only in the civil court-not magistrates. They are a bill, nothing more, sent to you by the company who administer the car park subject of the bill. I have ignored 3 of these over the years and on the one occasion I was actually asked to attend a civil court hearing over it, the company did not turn up and it was dismissed anyway and costs were awarded against them.It was a local car park where I had parked with one rear tyre touching the edge of the parking bay white line! and they wanted £30! It cost them £130 just to lose! If you get a 'ticket' you just need to read it carefully to ascertain who has issued it. If its police or council mongs you can contest it but it is a mags court job. Issued by anyone else you can ignore it- the worst that can happen is a request to attend the small claims court to dispute it and no doubt you will win. Most likely the company wont follow it through and/or turn up.

The problem is now aloof people don't know that and now they will have your name and address so they can harass people for payment easier.
trixie88;n4466 said:
just heard this on tv now......utter disgraceful......the fact that dvla has done this..........it wont be long before a scam is hatched and fake/scam parking tickets will be dropping thru the letterbox..........shudder just thinking about it.

I shouldn't worry too much, Trixie. Any scammer can currently send you an electronic or snail mail claiming money for a (false) grievance. You will know whether you were parked in a particular location on a particular day at a particular time and, as teejay comments, they would need to provide indisputable evidence in court, probably in the form of a photo. Any reputable company would include such evidence when initially contacting you.
If this doesn't happen then I'm pretty sure you can ignore it just as you ignore the mallicious emails that you currently put in trash.
Some years ago one of the London Boroughs sent me a demand (read 'fine') for having a few inches of my car over hanging yellow hatching whilst stationary (don't ask). They included video footage of the misdemeanour! I paid.

Colin ???
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Full Member;n4506 said:
I shouldn't worry too much, Trixie. Any scammer can currently send you an electronic or snail mail claiming money for a (false) grievance. You will know whether you were parked in a particular location on a particular day at a particular time and, as teejay comments, they would need to provide indisputable evidence in court, probably in the form of a photo. Any reputable company would include such evidence when initially contacting you.
If this doesn't happen then I'm pretty sure you can ignore it just as you ignore the mallicious emails that you currently put in trash.
Some years ago one of the London Boroughs sent me a demand (read 'fine') for having a few inches of my car over hanging yellow hatching whilst stationary (don't ask). They included video footage of the misdemeanour! I paid.

Colin ???

thanks for that colin......however, it still causes a lot of untold stress..
Campervanannie;n4461 said:
The DVLA have apperently sold 6 million names and addresses to the private parking companies though it's not quite that cut and dried but now they can send their invoices to your homes .

Posties gonnna have to run fast mine has wheels??
trixie88;n4565 said:
thanks for that colin......however, it still causes a lot of untold stress..

I really can understand that, Trixie. It's quite disturbing that there are individuals out there constantly on the lookout to make a quick buck at the expense of others. It strikes me that you're well prepared so just be alert and I'm confident all will be well. Do remember that this community is both knowledgeable and supportive so if you feel concerned about a potential scam then perhaps you might wish to offer it for comment here.

Colin ???

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