Fiat Ducato sliding door


Full Member

Suddenly today it stopped opening with the handle on the outside , it opens fine from the inside so now we have to us3 the passenger door to get in anyone got any idea why this is happening.
I had the same problem with one of the rear doors. Maybe the sliding door is the same. Each handle has its own mechanism and cable. The cable terminates in a plastic ferrule which locates in prongs attached to the handle mechanism. The internal insulation pushed the cable away from the prongs so that it occasionally became detached. The internal handle could be unscrewed giving access to the mechanism and I could reattach it. I also cleared the insulation to allow the cable to seat properly.

It may be similar for the sliding door, or perhaps something has broken. Maybe someone has had a similar issue and can advise better.
I would go with the prong popping out and stopping the lock working. I had similar with my T5 tailgate. 2 minute fix ONCE you get to the workings.

Does the outside handle now feel easier/slacker to pull? if a prong is out, less work the handle needs to do and so easier to pull/lift.
Yes, that happened to me after a period of enforced inactivity. On a visit to the storage compound I entered by the driver's door and give the whoosh-bang door a thump with my backside.

I am certain that in my case it was the generous rubber seal on the sliding door that I wiped with a little olive oil. On a return visit all was well again.
Suddenly today it stopped opening with the handle on the outside , it opens fine from the inside so now we have to us3 the passenger door to get in anyone got any idea why this is happening.
Hi Annie, this is caused by a phenomena called a miracle, obviously someone parked close to you said to themselves, I wish that door would stop going Whooooosh Bam Slam, and it worked :whistle: 😁

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I’ll take a look and see what I can do failing that i will take it to a garage.
For interest, I visited the storage compound, just to see how the door was behaving and report back to you, Annie.

The thin wipe of olive oil continues to do the job, and the whoosh-bang door opens beautifully using the outer handle.

I sincerely hope your fix is as simple.
So as an update we set off for a couple of days away and when we got to our destination the door has magically righted itself and now opens from both inside and outside how flipping wierd is that.
I think the threat of runnachs welding gear frightened kit into working. 😂🤣😂🤣
So as an update we set off for a couple of days away and when we got to our destination the door has magically righted itself and now opens from both inside and outside how flipping wierd is that.
I think the threat of runnachs welding gear frightened kit into working. 😂🤣😂🤣
I cannot take the credit for another miracle, Annie. I reckon the pothole pandemic the UK is suffering, takes the credit!!
Glad yours worked out so easily sadly mine didn't and was complicated by having a soft close mechanism fitted. The cables had stretched and had to be rethreaded a rather fiddly job that took a specialist 2 hours to fix. Apparently it is a common fault
Some years ago i could not open the sliding door from the outside. I replaced the exterior door handle assembly as a socket where cable nipple fits was broken. The new handle came with two cables which I have kept as spares.

A year ago I could not open the door from the inside as the cable, to rear catch, nipple had come off the socket in interior handle, which i slotted back in.

Overall the mechanism has always been stiff so no surprise that parts are under strain.

Lots of information online including thus diagram

whooooosh bangers park somewhere else not near me 🤬🤬noisy barstewards especially with dogs in & out no rest for the best🤣🤣 that will stir things up 😛
whooooosh bangers park somewhere else not near me 🤬🤬noisy barstewards especially with dogs in & out no rest for the best🤣🤣 that will stir things up 😛
I’ll be sure and park next to with my dog 🤣😂🤣

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