Filling stations near Motorways


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Filling stations near Motorways

For those of you who are out and about over the break in the UK and need to fill up, I just came across a website which shows petrol stations near MWay junctions (courtesy of Martin Lewis) which avoids having to pay MWay fuel prices...

It might save a few quid

GMJ;n14890 said:
For those of you who are out and about over the break in the UK and need to fill up, I just came across a website which shows petrol stations near MWay junctions (courtesy of Martin Lewis) which avoids having to pay MWay fuel prices...

It might save a few quid


Thanks for that. I try to avoid buying anything from the overpriced corporations that run the motorway services. Originally they were established to promote safety by providing somewhere to rest when on a long journey, but since technology gave them the opportunity to rip off travellers with parking charges safety is obviously not a prime concern. Governments are to blame for allowing this exploitation to take place. Not only fuel but other services are accounted for on the site, brilliant.
I must agree with you Bill, motorway services sum up society today in Britain, nothing can be simple and effective, you must make the most profit you can and don't worry about social needs and no one can have anything for free.
Since when do you we need a full shopping experience whilst travelling and if we do why can't we just go to a town or proper retail outlet. I know the answer they are profiting on our impulsive need to shop but really wouldn't it be better if we spent the time relaxing so we are fresh for the rest of the journey.
I think you can see I'm not a fan of them and tend to only stop if I need the toilet.
We take a flask of coffee with us in the MH and stop at services to have a drink from it; and then use their loos (and buy a newspaper if we haven't already picked one up)

The main issue I have the services is that they're starting to use companies like Eagle Eye to charge for parking over a certain time (eg over 3 hours). Not ethical at all.
£9.99 for a gallon of washer fluid rip off?? . I like this site I hate using mw services if I realy have to I just put enough that will do until I can get a supermarket fuel.
Tesco have a large number very near motorways, look on the app or google it. Over time I now know loads of Tesco’s fuel stations near Motorways.
Handy, the range on my van is rubbish, at best I would get about 350 miles sometimes I doubt if I would make 300. Why don't they put a decent sized tank in a motorhome mine is 60 litres, they probably do it to make the payload look better. I used to have an Adria with a 100 litre tank I could get 500 to 600 miles easily.
tesco good for wifi if you get close enough you dont have to leave the van so make coffee put you feet up for two hours drive out and back in for another two hours lol ps they dont switch off wifi at night
I simply use the near active route facility on the gps and the copilot looks ahead for a suitable refueling stop.
Think I know all the ASDAs from Aberdeen to Devon, a route I often have to use.
Compared with France the whole UK is a hostile environment. Super U for instance often have a motorhome service point and usually allow overnght stops from early evening to after breakfast time. So much more relaxed, no jobworths, cameras or other restrictions. Obviously another example of Jonny Foreigner getting it wrong!
Service ares are for me, a place to take a break, take my dog for a walk, and have a proper cup of coffee made by me and enjoyed in my van. I can still remember when you could for cheap money, get a good meal (anything with chips) and tea was served in a small or big mug, and if you were tired you could have a long sleep without the fear of getting a parking fine!
£9.99 for a gallon of washer fluid rip off?? . I like this site I hate using mw services if I realy have to I just put enough that will do until I can get a supermarket fuel.
Slightly off topic, but in a similar vein, i'd love to know why there's such variation in supermarket petrol prices? They don't charge different prices for food, so why do it with fuel?

Thanks for the link.
I must agree with you Bill, motorway services sum up society today in Britain, nothing can be simple and effective, you must make the most profit you can and don't worry about social needs and no one can have anything for free.
Since when do you we need a full shopping experience whilst travelling and if we do why can't we just go to a town or proper retail outlet. I know the answer they are profiting on our impulsive need to shop but really wouldn't it be better if we spent the time relaxing so we are fresh for the rest of the journey.
I think you can see I'm not a fan of them and tend to only stop if I need the toilet.
Gloucester services being the exception the farm shop is great and good wholesome produce and not a McDonald’s or costa coffee in sight.
As navigator it is my job to look on google maps for supermarkets ( asda, sainsbury or Tesco), just off the motorways when needed.
Filling stations near Motorways

For those of you who are out and about over the break in the UK and need to fill up, I just came across a website which shows petrol stations near MWay junctions (courtesy of Martin Lewis) which avoids having to pay MWay fuel prices...

It might save a few quid

Thanks for this Grham; sure it will be useful.
Thanks for the info and links.

I find it's just easier to use Google Maps. Our head unit has Android Auto and is connected to my smartphone. It's just there to use all the time anyway and does not need updating.
Filling stations near Motorways

For those of you who are out and about over the break in the UK and need to fill up, I just came across a website which shows petrol stations near MWay junctions (courtesy of Martin Lewis) which avoids having to pay MWay fuel prices...
It might save a few quid

Hi Graham,
Thanks for link, sounds like a good idea in principle.
Unfortunately (and I know it's not your fault) I just checked the entry for our local junction (M5 J20 and it's at least 3 years out of date.
It says we have a Morrisons (which closed over 3 years ago) and doesn't mention Asda, Lidle or Aldi which all opened years ago.
Plus there are loads more eating places and Petrol Stations than it lists.
Not complaining, but it needs bearing in mind.

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