France - breathalysers - about time too!


Full Member

Looks like the law requiring you to carry these in France has now been scrapped...

The question is, who had them in the first case?
When the law was introduced I borrowed some from a friend for our trip but when i returned they were returned and I never bought any for future trips, as I was told the fine was the same cost as buying them.
My thought now is what are P&O and the other ferry companies going to do with their stock?7
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I bought 2 when the law first came in. The idea being that if we were stopped and I had to use one, then I would still have one so not be breaking the law!

I think they cost a couple/few quid at the time for the pair. I didn't want to give les flics and excuse to top up their pension fund if I was stopped.

The next time I looked at them they had run out of date so didnt bother replacing them.

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Yes I read that too...probably another factor in my not getting another pair of them.

We have a couple in the car and a couple in the van, we bought them when the last ones dates expired.
Halfords and RAC/AA have been making out you need them for a few years, I wonder what they will be doing with all theirs now?

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