Gone to pot


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Gone to pot

Anyone else watching the celebrities travel across the US in a very cool bus trying marijuana in all its forms and getting high great insight
Yeah I watched it. Ive not dabbled with that stuff for yonks but I did wonder if it would be good for my Arthritis. I think it has some real beneficial medical properties but as we saw from Biggins and the dart player. You need to know your limits!
Yes it was funny and an eye opener it's on every night this week they really over indulged band made themselves I'll.
Part 2 on tonight don't miss it it's worth watching just for the bus they travel in lol
You have to be concerned for overweight over aged men whose appetite for over eating got them somewhere near where they are today; gladly engulfing large plates of food well laced with the drug-and all made by a 90 odd year old short sighted lady. A lot of risk and reward assessment went into their meal that night. I must admit though it is compulsive viewing. No doubt every police force in the uk is recording it all too.
teejay;n1736 said:
You have to be concerned for overweight over aged men whose appetite for over eating got them somewhere near where they are today; gladly engulfing large plates of food well laced with the drug-and all made by a 90 odd year old short sighted lady. A lot of risk and reward assessment went into their meal that night. I must admit though it is compulsive viewing. No doubt every police force in the uk is recording it all too.

I think it was the well laced ice cream that pushed them over the edge plus the fact that it takes up to 2 hours after eating for it to take effect but it was funny and compulsive watching lol
teejay;n1736 said:
You have to be concerned for overweight over aged men whose appetite for over eating got them somewhere near where they are today; gladly engulfing large plates of food well laced with the drug-and all made by a 90 odd year old short sighted lady. A lot of risk and reward assessment went into their meal that night. I must admit though it is compulsive viewing. No doubt every police force in the uk is recording it all too.

You cant overdose on Cannabis at least not to the point where it will kill you like an overdose of Heroin or booze could but it is pretty grim if you have too much. Blimey I sound like an expert, Im not, as said I dabbled at festivals when I was a kid but in the late 90s I met up with a girl I hadnt seen for years in London and she smoked weed every day so having not had any since the 80s i demanded I had a go. She said its probably stronger than the stuff they used to sell at Glastonbury a decade ago but me being me went at it full chat and asked for a second one. Half an hour later I was puking like mad all over the back garden and woke up in a haze on her front room carpet. Not pleasant!

It got worse as 24 hours later I was due to pick up another friends Fiat Cinquecento which had been stolen from Cheshire and ended up in Surrey. I stupidly volunteered to drive it all the way back from a Police station in Surrey to her house in Cheshire. I was feeling weird all day. Anyway the rozzers handed me over the car but it felt like it took days to get back oop North and felt like the car was doing 100 mph but when you looked at the speedo it was about 45! :Heart_Eyes:

Dont have anything to do with weed now but I did grow everything the Sensi Seed Bank of amsterdam had to offer,finished my time on NL5 crossed with Haze.
Last and final part on tonight real eye opener just wish they had chosen better celebs to star in this program.
Sitting watching this very funny ,but.sad about flashes kid as he is anti and it got to him big time on wed
A good 3 part series and an eye opener on the view on it in some American states but loved the old lass running the cafe/ resteraunt that cooked everything with it and where she couldn't mix in the cannabis she just fried things in cannabis butter lol
just find it treat as it bumps pain meds up to decent level and dont give a explitive about the pain as i feeling to good

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