Mailing Lists and Digests



Hi Gang!

Today I have successfully set up the mailing list system. This system is there to give you total control over mailing that we send out.

No one is automatically subscribed to newsletters, you will receive an invitation and it is your choice if you want to join the list.

We also have digests that just let you know about the top threads on the website, they contain no other information. You can also enable these and set the frequency on the mailing list settings page

This all ensures that we comply with the latest regulations

Hi Gang!

Today I have successfully set up the mailing list system. This system is there to give you total control over mailing that we send out.

No one is automatically subscribed to newsletters, you will receive an invitation and it is your choice if you want to join the list.

We also have digests that just let you know about the top threads on the website, they contain no other information. You can also enable these and set the frequency on the mailing list settings page

This all ensures that we comply with the latest regulations

Hi Phil.
I keep getting an invite to ….
Oops! We ran into some problems.

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
Are you getting that message from the email that you received in the last hour?
Are you sure this time? I can do patient.

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