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Late decision Friday night after a couple o beers to head to Millport for a day on Saturday morning to do some fishing and head back Sunday.Arrived home Monday afternoon, no fishing done now on the lookout for a new tour guide as the one I had takes way too much drink and loves his food. 🤔20230903_230240.jpg20230903_201407.jpg20230903_113922.jpg20230902_171847.jpg20230902_144630.jpg20230902_144532.jpg
You canny beat a Fishing trip where the only fish that got hurt were from the chippy and a Sunday afternoon Karaoke session doon the pub. The wee unplanned trips are always the best.
Forgot about this, last time we had a spur of the moment meetup Rob Mac ended up with a black ee, this time it was Walkingshaw. 😂20230903_084620.jpg

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