Mobile Sim only unlimited data deals


Full Member

Any advice welcome please. I know Phil uploaded something but I can't find it. Currently with EE but end of contract. Coverage at home rubbish even with mobile data on: don't know if it's the phone (Samsung 50) or EE. My ex lodger was on 3 and had no problem getting the internet.
Thanks for any advice offered
Bear in mind that 3 will tie you in to a contract, whereas their Smarty brand enables you to just pay from month to month and discontinue at any time; a good plan at least while proving that their network coverage works for you.
Giffgaff can be very flexible without needing a conract (o2 network). Lebara are similar (Vodaphone network). Also keep an eye on the Money Saving Expert website, they show the good deals and sometimes you can get a special offer via there. My phone contract had 50% more data and a lower price through MSE.

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