Molly 3 ( Christine )

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Rally Organiser

I have had some sad news off Barry (Molly 3 ) tonight, his wife Christine is critically ill in hospital, as most of you know Christine is a well known and liked member of this community. Please join us by sending your thoughts and love to her and Baz and hope she gets better soon
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So sorry to hear this. Both of us thinking of you both Baz and hope that she’s better soon.
Sending hugs to you both and hopes of a speedy recovery 💋
sad news the girl has had some battles good luck with this one
So sorry to hear that Christine isn't well at all. Thinking of you both and sending lots of love to you both.
Jeff and Chris
Wishing you the very best Christine, Nic and Derek
I have had some sad news off Barry (Molly 3 ) tonight, his wife Christine is critically ill in hospital, as most of you know Christine is a well known and liked member of this community. Please join us by sending your thoughts and love to her and Baz and hope she gets better soon
Really sorry to hear this. Derek and I will be praying for you both.
Sorry to hear that Christine isn't very well Baz, we hope she gets well soon, sending you both our love ❤️

Del and Diane
All our thoughts and best wishes to you Christine, we hope the stress of the house move wasn’t too much for you.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, our hopes and prayers are with you.
Rog and Chris xx
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