Motorhome parking in Tiverton?


Full Member

We have it in mind to visit Tiverton on Saturday however we will be in our motorhome which is 8.7m long.

Can anyone suggest a suitable place for parking there, which would be able to accommodate us?

We have it in mind to visit Tiverton on Saturday however we will be in our motorhome which is 8.7m long.

Can anyone suggest a suitable place for parking there, which would be able to accommodate us?

EX16 5JU
Not used it myself but have it noted for some reason. Think it was recommended a while back
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According to one of the feedback pieces left it isn't suitable unfortunately.

This is backed up by the local council...

Email received from the local council

Thank you for your email regarding parking for motor homes, sadly Tiverton does not have any designated parking for motor homes currently. We ourselves do not run the car parks but I have contacted the authority that does which is Mid Devon District Council and they confirmed that none of their car parks have any mobile home spaces.
Bit further out , Ruislip , industrial estate.
Don't think it is an especially motorhome friendly place in general.
...bit of a trek from Devon though :)
Ah OK :D

I couldn't see it on a map and Google wasn't much help either!

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