Must be mad.


Full Member

Must be mad.

Just moved into our new/old home which is a doer upper and all the faff that it entails. Needed to widen the drive to get the MH on. Firstly, two enormous gate posts had to be dug out then tons of soil and a shrub jungle removed.
Furniture arrives on Thursday.

So what have I gone and done?

Bought a new MH, a Bessacarr412! Hardly the best timing but it was too good to pass on. Barely a year old with 4k on the clock.
Really going to have to thin out the stuff we carry as there is no where near the carrying capacity of the Rimor, most of it never saw the light of day anyway!

Now got to put the Rimor into storage until sold
Haha when I bought mine it was too long and too heavy for the drive after getting the builders in all is well again garage is 6ft shorter and the drive is reinforced concrete now.
Sounds like a great van, no pics. We also recently had a clear our out of things we carry around as new van much smaller.
Izwozral;n695 said:
Just moved into our new/old home which is a doer upper and all the faff that it entails. Needed to widen the drive to get the MH on. Firstly, two enormous gate posts had to be dug out then tons of soil and a shrub jungle removed.
Furniture arrives on Thursday.

So what have I gone and done?

Bought a new MH, a Bessacarr412! Hardly the best timing but it was too good to pass on. Barely a year old with 4k on the clock.
Really going to have to thin out the stuff we carry as there is no where near the carrying capacity of the Rimor, most of it never saw the light of day anyway!

Now got to put the Rimor into storage until sold

Congratulations on the new truck.If we ever move house hard standing for the van would have to be a priority.It's good to have it there ready to roll at short notice if the weather forecast is good.I also must have a ruthless cull of the garage,I tend to fill it up with stuff we never use which eats into the payload.
The words.. Glutton and Punishment, come to mind..
You will be known as " Ral two vans"...
His and her's vans..... Why not?

Have that hard standing ready for May, please.

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