New Year Party 2021 28th December - 2nd January

New Year Party 2021 28th December - 2nd January
Posted by jeffmossy
Whittingham & Goosnargh Sports & Social Club
Tuesday, December 28, 2021 - 12:00 PM
Until: Sunday, January 2, 2022 - 01:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Rally Organiser

Please can you have your campsite £12 per night and £20 per person fees in a sealed envelope, with your forum name, reg number and how many nights you will be attending, and total money in the envelope, (NOT EHU money as this will be collected on the day you book your charging slot). The envelope will be collected on arrival by either Phil, Myself or Lorraine, you will then be issued with wristbands, these are your access to the clubs function room at all times, and entrance on new year eve

The campsite has also got different sizes of Calor Gas bottles, butane and propane, for anyone who require a gas bottle

We are aware of the current covid developments and at present this rally is going as planned, if things do change and restrictions come into force then we will update this thread. Please continue to monitor this thread as we get closer towards the date. Thank you

Sorry NO check ins after December 29th unless prior arranged

Whittingham and Goosnargh social club campsite, Preston PR3 2JE, December 28th until January 2nd 2022

I am happy to announce the 2021/2022 New year party.

Doors open December 28th at 10.00 am and we will have room for approx 40 vans, most will be on hardstanding however if you have a smallish van you could be parked on grass but don't worry as there is a tractor and 4x4 van on-site permanent, also this camp will involve vans being parked close to each other so that we can get all the vans on-site, but remember as it will be December we will not be sat outside our vans, so we will not need lots of room.


Every day we will have the heated clubhouse available from 10.00 am, we will also be having a biscuit table for you to bring sealed biscuits, sweets and cakes to share with everyone, also you can bring your own food and drinks all day until the bar opens in the evening
We have got access to toilets, fresh water, showers, waste water, rubbish disposal and elsan point

Tuesday December 28th - This will be the icebreaker evening, for a get together meet up and chat, in the clubhouse 20.00pm

Wednesday December 29th - Afternoon Megs daft afternoon games.Please bring 20p coins as one of the games requires 3 to play 14.00pm in the clubhouse

Quiz in the clubhouse 8.00pm, just for fun

Thursday December 30th - Bingo and Raffle draw, in the clubhouse 8.00pm. Details to follow

Friday December 31st - New year Party, Doors open 7.00pm

In the evening when the bar is open we can only eat and drink items purchased from the bar,



The fun will start at 7.00 pm in the main function room, at 7.30 pm the buffet will be open and at 8.30 pm we will have a great singer on stage to entertain us and see us into the New year with songs to get the dance floor filled all night. We will also have a table for you to bring sweets / cakes / biscuits to share. All items MUST be in date and sealed and given to a member of staff to inspect and put on the table

The cost of New year tickets will be £20 per person, this will include all entertainment and food buffet
Children under 16 free

Camping will be £12 per unit per night

EHU will be available for everyone but limited to 4 hours time slots from 10.00 am until 18.00 pm and because we are going to have to split the electric points this service will only be 3 amp, so leisure battery charging only, anything else will trip the switch and the other vans who are charging off the same circuit as you will not be happy. A time slot will have to be booked for this service and booked 24hrs in advance, the cost for this service will be £2.00 for 4 hours . If you have booked to have ehu overnight from 19.00 pm until 8.00 am then the cost for this will be £3.00. Sorry for the way we have distributed the ehu points, but this is the only fair way that we can make sure everyone has enough power for the duration of their stay. If you intend to use this service then please bring your long EHU lead or even two, AND ALSO A SPLITTER. This service is being overseen by Derek ( Trotter ) and all bookings will have to be booked through him without exception, he will have the final say and decisions on how this will be distributed, anyone who does not agree with the above and tries to run fridges /heating etc and keeps tripping the power will be unplugged and at Derek's discretions could / will not be invited to use this service again

Sorry NO Generators or Firepits

Gordon ( The Laird ) is going to organise a raffle on December 30th in the clubhouse ,tickets will be £1 a strip all proceeds will go to funds for replacement batteries of the 3 defibrillators carried by rally organisers of this group . If you would like to donate prizes for this worthy cause, then please bring them to the camp and give them to Gordon . Thank you to Gordon for arranging this

If you do want to book a place please post in the thread below including how many people are going to be in your party.
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The List

  1. Jeffmossy & Lorraine x 2 Stewards
  2. Phil x1 Staff, Steward
  3. Trotter Parking Steward and EHU distribution, booking point
  4. Lee & Linda x 2 Staff
  5. The Laird x 2 Staff
  6. Biggarmac x 1 Staff
  7. Minisorella x 2 Staff
  8. RoaminRog x 2
  9. horace x 2
  10. Wully x 3
  11. alwaysared x 2
  12. Donrevy x 2
  13. Steveandjulie x 2
  14. Caz x 1
  15. earby mick x 1
  16. Greengrass x 2
  17. Ten Thousand Sunsets x 2
  18. FERENZA x 1
  19. Tompa x 2
  20. DaveAdele x 2
  21. Kimbowbill x 1
  22. Bigredf x 2
  23. 4x4 Man x 2
  24. St3v3 x 3
  25. Rugbyken x 2
  26. Tim120 x 1
  27. Patnlorewatson x 2
  28. Undertaker x 2
  29. Izwozral x 2
  30. paulhelenwilco x 2
  31. Denmar x 1
  32. Hayhiker x 1
  33. Colour me gone 20 x 1
  34. Lemonfancy x 2
  35. Maci x 3
  36. Caravan Palace x 2
  37. Glenn x 2
  38. Johnnyboy x 2 (Grass Field ) ?
  39. Wolves Wanderers x 2 ( Grass Field ) ?
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Hi Jeff,
Chris and I would be delighted to attend, and are looking forward to it very much!
EHU would be very useful as well please.
Do you require payment in advance, or is it cash on arrival?
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Hi Jeff, yes please, looking forward to it, we would like electric.
See you there.
Colin Sue and molly
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Hi Jeff,
We would be delighted to attend, and are looking forward to it very much!
EHU would be very useful as well please.
Do you require payment in advance, or is it cash on arrival?
Hello Roger,
It will be a pleasure to have you and Chris join us , Ehu will be in time slots and have to be booked 24hrs in advance and only 3 Amp for battery charging only ,if you have got a long EHU lead or even 2 and a splitter then that will be a great help , this way everyone will have chance to have their leisure batteries topped up during their stay . Payment options will be confirmed at the begining of December when we have have a full house . Take care and see you soon . Jeff
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Hi Jeff, yes please, 1 person.
I have iffy electrics in my van so charging would be appreciated (otherwise
my battery goes flat) so I can have some heating. Thank you.

Hello Caz I have put you on the list , EHU can only be booked in 4 hour slots at the meet ,24 hours in advance and because we are splitting all the ehu points the supply will only be 3amp, this is just enough to power a battery charger and nothing else.this is to give everyone a chance to keep their batteries topped up. Jeff
Hi Jeff. Can you add us on the list please. At the top please.
Jacki & Chris
Yes please, all nights x2 and Dickie. Can't do the maths, will need all my fingers and toes to work out how much to pay!! Maggi xx
Hi Jeff. Hopefully my fridge will be working on gas by then! I have a splitter and can bring multiple elec leads if needed. Meg
Hi Jeff
We will be delighted to attend and please add us to the list for electric top ups ( we can manage without overnight) thank you Dave Jeanette & Angus
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