Only 30 people have entered this weeks raffle.



More than 1,500 registered members have logged in this week but only 30 have entered the raffle, maybe I am doing something wrong here and people don't actually want the chance to win money for free?
I’m with trixie on this one admin I keep forgetting ???‍♀️
.......I should add that if you click on the competition block, it will tell you how many tickets you can buy.
I did have a one in thirty chance of winning, or more likely thirty to one chance of not winning. Either way,now you’ve blown it Phil.

Hope your feeling a bit better now.
I don't seem to have a competition box or wallet thingy so not in the raffle?
Botheration, I don't like change, going back to the true spiritual home of Wild Camping!

Bah humbug.
I didn't really know/understand what it was. I think for me it all got lost in the mass of stuff I generally receive.

Maybe another email:


Simply using the forum gets you points ( link to detail )

Click here to use some of your free points to enter the raffle, for the chance to win Amazon vouchers. New raffle every week, click here to find it.

Whadda you think?
I don't seem to have a competition box or wallet thingy so not in the raffle?
Botheration, I don't like change, going back to the true spiritual home of Wild Camping!

Bah humbug.
Come back Ral don't goooooooo :cry:

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