Over Wintering in Portugal?


Full Member


From this week's Portugal News: Page 19:
It says that Portugal will allow UK visitors to to stay 6 months, overwintering.
Could this be the breakthrough, we've been hoping for ?
Apologies for the low tech attachment .
Age and inebriation don't help.

Please be careful, as I understand the situation if you fly back from Portugal to UK then you might not have any problems leaving Portugal BUT what happens when you thy to leave the Schenegen area from another country after overstaying the 90 days?
Also what happens when you try to re-enter Schenegen area next time?
I think it is possible to apply for a two or even five year visa for Schenegen but don't know how to do so.
Whilst I agree that an article in a newspaper isn't an official standpoint, it does provide some cautious optimism that at least the 90/180 rule is recognised as a problem and potentially interest in it, is being taken.

I'd be interested in seeing how we can apply for extended Visa's if anyone does know how?

All I can find from here...



18 Can my visa be extended? When applying for a visa extension, you must show that due to force majeure or for humanitarian reasons or for serious personal reasons it is not possible for you to leave the territory of Member States before the expiry of your visa or the authorized period of stay.

This relates to the actual Visa application process which - as far as I know - we in the UK don't have to do but I'm guessing the principles regarding extended stays would be the same. Very happy if I'm wrong though :)

To further muddy the waters, it looks at the moment, that from 2022...

Although British citizens will not need a visa to visit Europe, they will need an ETIAS visa waiver from 2022.

The European Travel Information and Authorisation System is being introduced to register visitors from visa-exempt non-EU nations. The EU Commission has confirmed that UK citizens will need to apply for ETIAS to cross an external Schengen Area border after Brexit.

Contained in this article...

https://www.etiasvisa.com/etias-news/etias-visa-how-will-it-affect-uk-citizens#:~:text=UK citizens will therefore not,information can be found below.

At the risk of flogging this to death at the moment, the following article assures us that the process is straightforward BUT it does carry a fee!

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From this week's Portugal News: Page 19:
It says that Portugal will allow UK visitors to to stay 6 months, overwintering.
Could this be the breakthrough, we've been hoping for ?
Apologies for the low tech attachment .
Age and inebriation don't help.

I wouldn't get your hopes up. The article refers to two options:

The Golden Visa, whereby legal residency is given to anybody investing 500,000 euros in the country; and

The Non-Habitual residency Visa, whereby you are subject to Portugal's tax system

Neither of these is a cheap option!

If Portugal - or any other member state - were to try to make long-stays too easy then the EU would almost certainly regard it as an attempt to get round Schengen (which it would be!) and prevent it from happening.
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France will be the problem whatever the rest decide , have you seen the latest on brits driving in France ? briefly Folks [ Brits ] living there must have french driving Licences , Computer says NO NO NO as UK has no reciprocal agreement yet and Brits are being refused French Licences so cannot drive, saw it on the BBC news app this morning, Visitors OK IDPs I guess ?
PaulGenny have a nice patch of ground, we could all pile over and paul will supply the free booze. 😂
France will be the problem whatever the rest decide , have you seen the latest on brits driving in France ? briefly Folks [ Brits ] living there must have french driving Licences , Computer says NO NO NO as UK has no reciprocal agreement yet and Brits are being refused French Licences so cannot drive, saw it on the BBC news app this morning, Visitors OK IDPs I guess ?
As I understand it, the only issue is when the UK driving licences of Brits resident in France expire. And yes, then it becomes a problem, due to the way in which the transition period was ended in haste, prior to many reciprocal agreements being negotiated.
As I understand it, the only issue is when the UK driving licences of Brits resident in France expire. And yes, then it becomes a problem, due to the way in which the transition period was ended in haste, prior to many reciprocal agreements being negotiated.
As I understand it, the only issue is when the UK driving licences of Brits resident in France expire. And yes, then it becomes a problem, due to the way in which the transition period was ended in haste, prior to many reciprocal agreements being negotiated.
Well that is not what I read folks are getting pulled over and told they have no right to drive, the article which I C ant now find said many want to return to U K now as things are getting tough for them in France? hope you are right however.
You'll all like this...

I have just read in the Sunday Times that whilst we have the 90 days in 180 rule when we want to enter the Schengen group area, EU nationals can spend 180 days in a row in the UK!

That doesn't seem fair does it?
Could it possibly be the UK using it as part of the negotiations to resolve GB driving licence issues in France?
You'll all like this...

I have just read in the Sunday Times that whilst we have the 90 days in 180 rule when we want to enter the Schengen group area, EU nationals can spend 180 days in a row in the UK!

That doesn't seem fair does it?
I'm sure this was mentioned on another thread recently . Apparently neither EU or Britain wanted this [90/180] to happen . It just did .
Who'd have thunk
Well that is not what I read folks are getting pulled over and told they have no right to drive, the article which I C ant now find said many want to return to U K now as things are getting tough for them in France? hope you are right however.
If you are a UK citizen living in France then.......

"Driving in France​

UK driving licences will continue to be recognised in France until 31 December 2021.

The rules for exchanging your licence have not been confirmed. We will update this page when more information is available."

After that date you will need an EU licence and they haven't ruled out the need for a further driving test .....

At the moment, UK tourists do not need an IDP for France.

However this info hasn't been updated on the Govt website for a while.
I shall bring the black bush. (y)
Oh yes please, Trev...
I'll gladly share a couple of bottles with you, knowing you don't drink much.
Now back to the topic..

The French Cops will be over the moon sharing how they are p-ing off the British, over driving licences.
As would the British Bobbies, if the circumstances were reversed.
# Me 2, say The Spanish..
I have just read in the Sunday Times that whilst we have the 90 days in 180 rule when we want to enter the Schengen group area, EU nationals can spend 180 days in a row in the UK!
That doesn't seem fair does it?
Does it say how long they have to wait before returning ? If it's 180 days we got the better option 90 in 180 which allows us to spread 180 days over 360
I'm sure this was mentioned on another thread recently . Apparently neither EU or Britain wanted this [90/180] to happen . It just did .
Who'd have thunk
Not so sure about that. The 90 day rule has been the case for non-EU countries since Schengen was established in 1995. Everybody knew it would apply to us when we left; the EU showed no interest in changing it and the UK never asked for it to be changed. So I would say that both sides were happy to accept it.
Does it say how long they have to wait before returning ? If it's 180 days we got the better option 90 in 180 which allows us to spread 180 days over 360

No, unfortunately not...it was just part of a large piece about travel and house ownership in France.

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