Polishing the van


Full Member

When we first bought this Autotrail Miami, the paintwork was badly oxidised. I was lead to believe that the vehicle had spent the majority of its life in Iberia and the sun had taken its toll.
I spent six days of my life and an absolute fortune on McGuires products, getting her back to how she was supposed to look.
She has gone very dull again this year, and talking to a neighbour, he recommended using lemon cream cleaner, instead of rubbing compound. He used to work in a body shop, so should have some idea what he was talking about.
Has anyone ever used lemon cream cleaner on their van, does it work?
Any advice appreciated.
If its grp then use grp cutting compound,then wax,if just panted alloy then g6 or g3 cutting compound,then wax.
I must confess I am a great fan of Autoglym, but am still wondering about the wisdom or effectiveness of lemon cream cleaner to remove oxidisation before the wax.
How hard is an enamel bath,
Most of them are taken out because my granny or your mum used cream cleaner on them and scratched the surface
Look at the g products that are designed for cutting paint back,
Correct and thats how you get back to good unfaded paint,you must then wax up,thats the way all garages do with used cars when they come in before resale,been there had the T SHIRT.
There are finer grades G3 for a light cut.

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