Portugal removed from 'Red List'


Full Member

I read in the newspaper that Portugal has been removed from the 'Red List' meaning that workers can now visit for essential work without having to quarantine when they get back to the UK. Whilst leisure visits are banned, it does give some optimism for the near future I guess.

The article suggests that travel rules could be relaxed as soon as 17th May and Portugal will welcome visitors who have been vaccinated or whom show proof of testing negative.

I guess until Spain is in a similar position, Portugal alone is not much use to Motorhomers as we can't get there directly from the UK with our motorhomes... but at least it's a start.
alone is not much use to Motorhomers as we can't get there directly from the UK with our motorhomes... but at least it's a start..

Certainly not possible to come for a weekend, hard work to do UK to Albufeira in a fortnight, that's true.
But if you've more time, it's worth doing in the cooler months.
Should you want to miss out all those lovely, interesting, French rural Aires, You can hammer down the motorways and miss those charming, remote Spanish villages and their network of Aires, .

When you get to Albufeira, enjoy what's on offer, but please don't come near us..
You might have been vaccinated, the tourists you meet, too.
But here, in the wilderness, we've not been jabbed, yet.
We've been isolated for so long, that we've probably lost or immunity to all the other bugs and viruses that you're carrying.
Another boring Algarve Spring Day.
Hi ho, ditto, it's off to work we go.
In 'normal' times we go to Spain for Jan-March but always discuss going to Portugal for the next year. It won't happen in 2022 as we had paid deposits for this years (cancelled) trip, which have been held over until next year.

Soon though...
Jab, Graham..?
The shenanigans over the Astra Vinegar Vaccine have made a dent into the, already inadequate , supplies.
Most of the remaining problem areas are way up north.
That's where the jabbing is going ahead.. At a rate that would take them 500 days to give 1jab to the whole population.
Every Algarve Council area has been classified as low risk. Even the resorts...( Until the tourists come back ?).

We know of one, over 80, who has had the jab, locally.
So it could be ages before they get round to our young and vibrant age group.
We're being careful
I may be no scientist, but I feel this current objection to the Oxford jab is more political than scientific.
Apparently, tests have shown that blood clots can occur in 40 cases out of 17 million, and that is only in certain circumstances.
So I think that Europe’s present attitude has got to be either political or a serious over-reaction.
I may be no scientist, but I feel this current objection to the Oxford jab is more political than scientific.
Apparently, tests have shown that blood clots can occur in 40 cases out of 17 million, and that is only in certain circumstances.
So I think that Europe’s present attitude has got to be either political or a serious over-reaction.

According to the news there are less cases of blood clots per 1000 people HAVING the jab than those who don't. There are 1-2 cases per 1000 normally without the jab compared to the 40 out of 17m who have had it!!

The WHO and the EU's own chief medical bod say its fine to use.

My view is...GREAT...more for us :LOL:
The WHO and the EU's own chief medical bod say its fine to use.... Unquote...
Going by the amount of drugs, PeteTownsend, Roger Daltrey and the Medical Bod have handled , over the years..
I'm prepared to believe every word they say.
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The WHO and the EU's own chief medical bod say its fine to use.... Unquote...
Going by the amount of drugs, Keith Townsend, Roger Daltrey and the Medical Bod have handled , over the years..
I'm prepared to believe every word they say.

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